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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Welcome to a new way to chat to the motor industry. For us anyway. We know forums have been around a while. And we know there are some other forums out there that let you converse with other members of the motor industry. But we hope you'll embrace our new Forum and love it like your own. The Car Dealer team have been working very hard on integrating this forum into our website. Not only can you start posts in here just like any other forum by clicking 'Start New Topic', but by visiting one of the stories on our website and commenting on it a brand new thread will be created here too. It's a great way to share your views on the news. We know we've been lacking a commenting facility on the site for a while - you can thank spammers for that - but now this new solution takes things to the next level. You probably know the Car Dealer team is always online from our Twitter feeds and we'll be in here just as much, watching what you're talking about, taking note and diving in where we can. We want to know the topics that are affecting you. Is there something we should be investigating? A story we should be covering? All we ask is that you play nicely. Don't personally attack anyone. Don't be too aggressive or use inappropriate language. And no shameless self promotion from suppliers. And do let us know what you think. We're here. We're listening. Enjoy...
  2. 1 point
    Having been in this unit for 3 years we've started to see a decent amount of folk returning now, 2 already this month from returning customers. Always the best business tbh. Just checked, 836 sales in that time, not bad on 2 staff, although that includes any bangers moved on
  3. 1 point
    I hope it chucks it down
  4. 1 point
    Cheap cars attract cheap punters...always harder to sell a £600 part ex than it is a £6000 bit of retail stuff IMO. Just because you're knocking out old shitters doesn't mean the customers don't have high expectations. Loads of stuff needs replacement wheel trims, a valet wouldn't go amiss, some paint on many, floor mats etc. Cheap fixes and more effort i'd say. I can't stand sub £2000 punters because they're so unrealistic about what £2000 buys in our location and the cars ALWAYS need a load of money pumped into them. Have you thought about knocking out all those old sheds and dropping your personal expensive cars and re investing in say a dozen nice mid priced units?
  5. 1 point
    I think i’ve had my question answered. You’ve got some nice pieces but a LOT of . There’s a market for but even the penniless bottom feeders won’t buy it if it looks like. Theres an awful lot of choice when it comes to and those that put the effort in will win the war of the underclass. Get a dent man in for a couple of days to whip round and pull a few, order in a job lot of cheap “one size fits no one” over mats and take some fresh photos and actually look through the fucking lens of the camera as you take the photo and ask “would I want to buy that?”
  6. 1 point
    I still can't see myself doing video only but in the last several months I started to offer a personal video that I send to the customer's phone on WhatsApp. It is actually several videos, interior, exterior, boot, history & paperwork and I send them on request when a customer gets in touch and they want to travel from a long way away (most of my customers do). By the time we get to that stage all my prep is complete and the car looks just as good in the video as it would in my first pictures which I do as soon as it comes in before most of the prep.
  7. 1 point
    Ok, so you are saying “out is out” no trad with Europe ? Agreed
  8. 1 point
    Out means out, or at least I thought it did! We have a trade deficit (i.e. we consume more in goods than we sell their way) so we should have the whip hand against the E.U. but these pillocks couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery. Mainly Germany but also France SHOULD be quaking in their boots about our tariffs on their goods but they must be laughing at us and we’ll no doubt be paying a divorce bill as well as honouring our financial commitments to E.U. projects - it’s a disgrace. The rot set in early in negotiations when we made the first move, confirmed there would be no forced repatriation & that people weren’t up for negotiation - a sop to soft lefties & liberals. Sorry but EVERYTHING should of been up for negotiation. Out of what BHM ??? Your out is different to the next person who voted out... Who knows !! Thats why chiefs reply is so stupidly ignorant, nobody knows. There should be another referendum agreeing...Simple.
  9. 1 point
    Brexit has been voted in by the most ignorant racist people of the land, the ignorant benefit culture.