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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Listen mate, you are clearly trying to be funny but this is serious, I'm desperate to get rid of this car and have some "Me" time so I can work out where it all went wrong. Since I started in the trade yesterday I've gone grey, my wife's left me and I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown so please try and have some compassion and take this seriously. Unless you are offering cold hard cash or a 20 year old blonde with double d's and a tight body I'm not interested As per my original post I don't even have a camera (somebody obviously can't read ). The best I can do is get my 6 year old to do some more drawings and I'll forward them to you via carrier pigeon I think there was a recall on that! It was a cut out for the sunroof but they did it upside down
  2. 1 point
    I usually give the main dealer a bell mate, get it from the horses mouth
  3. 1 point
    Yes, it did look like they fuelled them up, then the next day they loaded them onto the BCA transporter
  4. 1 point
    On a side note, I woke up this morning and fancied becoming an electrician. I’ve got my multi-meter and joined a forum so if anyone wants their house re-wired..
  5. 1 point
    would you have a swap for a low mileage Suzuki?? but i would have to take advise first.... do you think i could make lots of money on it, where should i advertise it, and i dont want it in stock for more than 3 days so could you give me a buy back guarantee......
  6. 1 point
    To quote the founder of Tesco....’only half your advertising works,but you don’t know which half ‘.
  7. 1 point
    I've been told the same, only add cars that are taxed and being used by ourselves, the rest are on trade plates and they don't need to go on the MID.
  8. 1 point
    It’s really interesting isn’t it, how things differ so much for people. I think the only real way of knowing is trying, measuring and making your own mind up. Ebay is a ghost town for me, motors was no better and i’m giving Car Gurus a 6 month try on the advice of arguably the most successful dealer on here so we’ll see what happens but what I do know is that AT is where I sell everything. Others have managed to ditch AT and not suffered. Like many things in this trade it seems the only way to find out is for yourself.
  9. 1 point
    I am with Mark on this one.
  10. 1 point
    That sounds far better value than when i was with them. I was at 350 ish per month for 20 cars, binned it off after 3 months as it got me next to nothing. might be worth another look
  11. 1 point
    Just sold one this morning from motors...... 3 for the month, although my bill is £132....... looks like you got better bargaining skills than I Nick!
  12. 1 point
    We do really well with ebay (motors pro) all values. Motors is OK and just about pays for itself at worst, and sells a couple more on a good month, but as Nick says- they push your stock wide and who knows how many people get directed to your website from there (you can get this info from their stats and it's OK in general.) Car Gurus performs better than Motors. Exchange and Mart about the same as Car Gurus. Working on your SEM/SEO is important and the excellent Click Dealer take care of this for us. They also will manage Facebook for you but I'm too old to do social media so I can't really comment on its effectiveness but I'm told it's OK if you work it well. We dumped Autoraper a couple of years ago and my thoughts on them has been done to death on this forum so I won't stir that old nest up again but there's loads of threads on it.
  13. 1 point
    Absolutely. £96 per month for 20 vehicles (I have 12-15) and the adverts from there go free to a couple of dozen other motoring websites. Every month a have a few leads and at least one sale. By comparison my £225 per month mid-level package with CarGurus brought me 2 confirmed sales for the whole of 2017. Have given them my notice now.
  14. 1 point
    Hi Dean I know ‘home traders ‘who only sell Volvo Estates and they have been doing it for years.