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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Just the one so far (yesterday) but had wonderful profit across it. Another one has been ringing since Wednesday, the car we had ticked all the boxes and was priced very reasonably. She was already here when we opened, came over from a hour away, she couldn't fault the car. Bodywork is immaculate and the car sells itself. She looked around it for 30 minutes checking every little thing. 'It's a great car but I think I'm going to leave it' Can I ask why? 'It's overpriced by £500, but thanks for your time' That was that, off she went. I was so shocked I went inside and put the price up by £200.
  2. 1 point
    If you don't know the ins and outs of finance or any of the FCA rules and regulations you shouldn't be doing finance. Simple. If you're only interested in commission, you shouldn't be doing finance. Simple. Read up on the Rules and Regulations on the FCA website. You need to know this if you're going to be doing finance! ==================================================================================================== Leeds Trader. Yes you can do finance on those cars. If they are your ideal cars, by that I mean cars you are known to have they are great to start with. On those cars though, everyone is right and you will be getting a majority of sub prime. Look at brokers for sub prime: Evolution Finance Mann Island Finance First Response Finance Close Motor Brothers As my post above though, read up on the Rules and Regulations. Can it take you to the next level you're looking for? Depends on your competitors, location and advertising. At the stock level you have, you should be offering finance to be honest. It's not for every dealer, but look into it.
  3. 1 point
    I think future benefits will become apparent in time and I take my hat off to the people who have given their time to help the trade, Its a shame that there has been a lot of negativity on this forum about it, It is a new venture and may have a few problems getting off the ground and keeping all the doubters happy but if it is run as a proper and trustworthy organisation it should help give all honest independent dealers a bit more credibility, a few of you may call the so called magnificent 7 for not answering all questions straight away, I personally would have told a lot of the nit pickers to fcuk right off because I am sure they are also busy trying to earn a living so respect to them for biting the tongue, as a new venture I personally would not have paid to join as it is an unknown quantity but I have joined now that its free and if it is a success then I wouldn't mind paying in the future, I hope more dealers and suppliers get behind the IMDA and make a success of it, teething troubles can be ironed out with the support of honest dealers, stop acting like opposing political parties and join together and help each other, you never know you may benefit from it.
  4. 1 point
    If it’s going abroad I wouldn’t give a f***.
  5. 1 point
    You can spend all of your ‘spare’ time PDIing, filling out forms, etc. but if you’ve sold to a twisty twat wanting a few shillings then you’ll have to deal with him no matter what. In the highly unlikely event someone actually takes you to court PDI forms may help, although I suspect they’d cut little ice with a judge, but in all other scenarios it boils down to whether or not YOU intent helping the customer. Personally I believe the costs of paying for independent PDIs etc. is easily outweighed by the financial savings for a couple of comebacks a year. I get most stock MOT’d so it’s to a safe roadworthy standard. Those of you who are constantly firefighting one complaint after another perhaps need to look at your prep standards or the promises you are making to customers in order to get the deal.
  6. 1 point
    Superlease pleasure to answer : Just some of the benefits What are the benefits of joining The IMDA ? Full Access to use the Trade only IMDA Forum which over the years has be an invaluable tool for sharing industry knowledge & best practice between dealers. Legal Advice through Lawdata (Legal experts in the Automotive field) with a dedicated Legal Helpline. Full Access to The IMDA Hub- Industry Information & learning Hub with relevant news & views. Choose from a wide range of Exclusive IMDA Offers from various handpicked Approved Suppliers. Daily updated blogs from Industry Experts sharing their views & news. Get your Voice heard as we lobby Corporations & Government on your behalf. Support with FCA Compliance, GDPR, HR & Employment Law at the end of the phone. Benefits that will help you run your business more efficiently either by cutting costs or adding value and time to your already busy schedule, THE Place for all your resource. Hope these help to give you an indication of what the Association is about ? Umesh
  7. 1 point
    All bets are off. He rang this morning, he's going ahead and has placed a deposit. Ye of little faith!! (Me included!!)
  8. 1 point
    We were able to get approved with Close straight away... no limits on lending, didn't care if it was a £3k car or £10k etc as long as it was within mileage and age criteria. Commissions seemed as if they were a bit low when it was first pitched so we negotiated these things up. Worst way to position yourself is "Hi, my name's John of ABC Cars, I'd like to get some finance setup" The rep comes out and has you over a barrel. It's your business and remember you're in a position of power and you have multiple options As for do things slow down above £5k if it's the right car no not really but you will have some that stick so you have to ask yourself if you're financially ready to have 3-4 cars sat on your pitch that take 4-6 months to go.... not to mention have alot more money tied up in them. Also, the more expensive the car the more expensive the repairs... the grass isn't always greener buddy! Finance doesn't cost anything (bar the license to set it up) and it won't hurt you to filter a few more expensive car in. Test the water but I suppose my point is take it slow... Good luck!
  9. 1 point
    I had one yesterday through bumtree, cars up at 4490, offered 2500. Didn't respond.
  10. 1 point
    I admit to being extreme, but I won't appoint until they've paid an upfront deposit.....
  11. 1 point
    Rory, he was your typical "i'll give £1800 cash tomorrow m8" my car is advertised £3000 no offers. Been stringing him out all day..... BIG SMILES
  12. 1 point