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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/17 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Ebay. A brutal advert - total honestly, and quite rudely written i.e. No champagne taste, lemonade money idiots + £xxx does NOT buy a new car, if you want a new car go to your local dealer but you'll need 20 times more than this. It works a treat, you ignore all texts, most emails, weed out any arseholes or other undesirables on the phone and tell the viewing punter straight. If your sales technique is as abrupt as your advert you'll be fine but if you've not got the stomach for it or you're an automatic bullshitter promising the earth then you'll have bother Tbh buyers of a few hundred quid banger are no different to buyers of more expensive cars. You need to scare away the dickheads (most are just hard-up punters being overly optimistic) with a rough advert & rough talk and get left with a punter who understands shit money buys shit cars. There are plenty out there who expect & accept they will need to do a few jobs to a car at shit money.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    I look on facebook and my local "cars for sale" group Then i find a dodgy looking bloke who wants to play car dealer (the sort whos adverts are full of grammar and spelling mistakes, pictures took on the local council estate, every car is always "the cheapest for sale" or a "part exchange") I contact them explaining im a proper car dealer not a pretend one, and i have some cheap part ex's im looking to get rid of, and would he be interested in buying some I move the cars onto him, then watch him trying to sell them on facebook as a part exchange, his dads,mums, uncles cats car for a £170 profit Then sometimes, because im like this, and its more entertaining then Eastenders, Strictly Come Dancing, How to look fat naked etc.. i like to use another account and send messages asking questions.. service history? MOT advisory? Timing belt change etc knowing full well it has no history, a page full of advisories and no timing belt change and then watch him lie through his teeth about them before making a stupid offer of half what he paid for it
  4. 1 point
    I find glass's retail far more accurate to be fair with the stock I sell. CAP can be a bit too low
  5. 1 point
    As long as your customers have not got to traipse through piles of horse shit to get to the cars !
  6. 1 point
    Nice roadside sales plots cost a lot of money. The reason more and more people are trading from home / unit / farm is simply lower overheads. One bloke on here said he has 10 lock up garages probably rented off the council ! Try getting planning for that as a car sales !
  7. 1 point
    Thats very rude....................its Mr Twat to you
  8. 1 point
    Dear all, I've a new way of making money quickly & easily. I believe some people may refer to this as a "get rich quick scheme". After discussing this over a spliff & a few cans of Stella with my mates one night, I then spent a morning of my time researching car retailing and realised that I am able to REVOLUTIONISE the industry and, best of all, do it on the cheap! I want zero financial risk. I want to make zero financial investment. I want zero obligation to the purchaser. I have little/no experience but anticipate I can introduce myself to various main dealers and take their trade-in stock on a sale-or-return basis. I think I can source, advertise, test drive & sell or return vehicles simply sat on my arse looking at a computer. I believe I can sell anything within record times. I believe I am capable of handling 100's of cars. I believe I am capable of handing 100's of customers. Thankfully as I will not be responsible for any preparation or obligations under CRA2015 this frees up more of my time to deal with more & more customers. Yippee! FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!! IT'S EVERY OTHER DAY ANOTHER FRUITCAKE SCHEME APPEARS. Is it just me that finds this ill thought out drivel depressing?
  9. 1 point
    I disagree, if you do the job right, build a great reputation and keep your costs low you can ear a seriously large wage