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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    'Can you value my part exchange....W Reg Clio - I'm only second owner and it's only 62k miles on clock' sounds okay as old cars go... get in it - 88k on clock HPI it - 7 owners what is the point ??
  2. 1 point
    Take it but non refundable. otherwise it's of no advantage to you whatsoever
  3. 1 point
    I've taken in px today a 2003 Ford Mondeo with 170k miles, with a full tank of fuel So that's my new ride for the next couple of weeks
  4. 1 point
    Probably get hauled in front of trading standards and fined 3 years take 'ome pay! dodgy bloody car dealers!!
  5. 1 point
    The obvious question is how would these people react if it was your description and they were buying...? And we're the bad guys?
  6. 1 point
    I should have offered you £20 to send me the file
  7. 1 point
    http://www.lawgistics.co.uk/read-news/865 By virtue of this Section, if a consumer complains of a fault with the vehicle in the first 30 days, they will be entitled to bring it back to you for a refund. They can ask for a repair but they are not obliged to accept a repair and can simply insist on a refund which you will be legally obliged to give. The slight saving grace for dealers is that it is down to the consumer to show there is a fault and that it was present at the time of delivery. We therefore strongly recommend that dealers take the time before 1 October 2015 to review their Pre Delivery processes to ensure they do all they can to put themselves in a position to argue that any fault was not present at the time of delivery. Putting a new independent MOT on a car can never be a bad idea nor can using one of our Pre-Delivery Inspection pads.
  8. 1 point
    First and foremost he HAS to prove the fault was present at the time of sale. If he cannot do this, or you can disprove this, then no money back.
  9. 1 point
    Full on valet there mate!! I only tend to wet vac the seats of the ones with stains ( almost every Mini with cloth ) and then i leave it running with the heaters on whilst polishing with autoglym resin poish. Do the plastics last. I have an indoor showroom with daylight strip lights - shows up every spec of dust/scratch/hair/cobweb - so typically I take my cars outside when I have an appointment - or strategically placed next to the open door if its raining!! I follow your mantra of blaming yourself. I get really annoyed with myself if i've not cleaned a car thats been in stock for a couple of days, cos you know full well, thats the one that the phone rings on and they say, we'll be there in 20 mins - then end up rushing around like a twat to get it looking spanking. "Failure to prepare is preparation for failure" I must repeat that to myself a hundred times a day!
  10. 1 point
    I used to do this, but however thorough you are, after a couple of weeks sitting on the lot, it will develop a puncture/misfire/exhaust blow the first time you start it up
  11. 1 point
    Any part ex that's got fuel in it, preferably one that I don't care about getting dirty, my neighbours must think I work in a scrap yard, I never seem to bring a car home newer than 2004 haha
  12. 1 point
    Better than the old site, nice and modern clean looking, easy to navigate However you don't have any images of your actual cars on the home page which i think is essential, otherwise it just looks like a generic car site, I would personally put a slideshow/carousel of a section of your stock running length ways across the site, in the place of the 'our partners' logos Also at the moment your slogan is 'BASILDON CAR SALES, SPECIALISE IN GERMAN CARS AND HAVE IN HOUSE FINANCE FACILITIES That is not grammatically correct BASILDON CAR SALES, THE SPECIALIST GERMAN CAR DEALERSHIP or BASILDON CAR SALES, SPECIALISING IN GERMAN CARS AND VEHICLE FINANCE I'd personally leave out the finance part and keep it simple, something like: BASILDON CAR SALES, SPECIALISING IN GERMAN CARS