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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    ok, thats a fair point and the same could be said for the £5 hand car wash or ladies that walk the streets a night, but no doubt for every eastern european avoiding tax and national insurance there is a british person doing the same, you then have larger companies avoiding tax by being based outside the UK. What should come out of this is these people should be targeted but not because of their country of original but from a business perspective. The public sector is always going to be stretched and no doubt it will be stretched some more. The Greeks have another payment coming up very shortly (July i think was mentioned) and if they default that will put further pressure on the EU, since Germany seem keen to bail them out you can see Germans pushing for a referendum and i'm sure there will be others now. Without the UK and Germany what is left of a financially stable EU ? It will be interesting to see what happens in Scotland given most wanted to remain - and Ireland but not Wales ... no doubt Sturgeon will push for another referendum but if they split what does that give them ? they couldn't afford the membership and who' to say they would be asked to join the EU ? Its like keep voting until we get the result we want. If remain had one i would have excepted it and carried on, we need to try and carry on as normal and not get involved in all this doom and gloom, we get enough of that from customers.
  2. 1 point
    I entirely agree with your post Steve92 apart from the last line, im undercut from all sides by people selling cheaper cheaper cheaper and putting 2 fingers up to how business should be run,i have an eastern european guy over the road from me using multiple accounts on ebay selling cars and not putting a penny into the system in vat national insurance or even employing local people hes brought them in from poland,i voted out and im proud to say it
  3. 1 point
    What makes you think those 3 will go to the EU ? We still have JLR here in the UK, although they are setting up a factory in India, remember the EU gave money to Ford to move the transit production from Southampton to Turkey, Peugeots Ryton plant was moved by EU funding ... (there are a number of other British manufactures that have moved because of EU funding) What the campaign failed to show was what the positives and negatives were of being with the EU, everything was either centred around immigration or scaring people into financial panic, the stock market drop was always going to happen, it increased yesterday so the drop today was higher than it would have been. I have no problem in saying I voted out, i'm aware of what the consequences might be but also the positives. I would keep certain aspects of the EU but believe financially the EU was screwed, this will probably be the beginning of the end for it and we as a country will be known for either being the start of something good ... or bad. I do think we were moving towards one centralised government controlling everything, at the moment we vote for either conservatives, Labour or UKIp or even the green party. You would vote for which party you believed met your beliefs, with the way the EU was heading you would not get a say in this. I am not a fan of Dodgy Dave but i was reasonably impressed by his speech this morning and on TV at least standing by what the UK has voted for. My only concern is that people have voted purely on immigration reasons expecting foreigners to all be put in a box and sent back .... that should not be the case, people from the EU on lower wages work much harder than "UK" people
  4. 1 point
    I voted out ...... Cause I like Boris Johnsons hair.
  5. 1 point
    Oi!!! GAVIN I am over 60 you young upstart, LOL, No you have not made me angry. I would build houses for our kids where they need them and want them, in the villages they grew up in and on the green belt. I love wind farms and lived by them in Cornwall with no problems. I would also make all farmers have solar panels on their barns. Also I am not afraid of change. I also help the younger generation if I can, however they want to run before they can walk. I like the europeans and hold the Polish in high regard. The europeans have done our service industry the world of good. At least we get served with a smile now and they put your food in front of you pleasantly unlike a young brit who just slams the plate down and grunts. One of the best holidays I ever had was in, WAIT FOR IT, Germany they were most welcoming and really pleased that we had gone for a holiday in their country. However I do believe that the European diktats must and should be held accountable and that they should also be elected. This apple could fall either side of the fence but at the moment the wind is blowing in the direction of out of the garden. Its not all doom and gloom.
  6. 1 point
    out because im old enough to have a real reason these people who really think their houses are going to devalue by 20% need to start reading real newspapers for those that dont understand where the eu is going i suggest they dont vote at all hows that
  7. 1 point
    Out for me, nothing to do with immigration but would just like to see us make decisions here in the UK by the people we have elected and not in Brussels by people we haven't.