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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Il be honest, Ive used that one myself as I didnt want to sit in the back with two screaming kids...
  2. 1 point
    Last month I had two customers in the space of hours turn up with there blue disposable gloves, rag and torch one seemed to know what he was talking about but the other, after been left alone for 45 mins thought the head gasket had gone on a 407 because the coolant was a funny colour and smelt odd. Confused I went outside with him and he pointed me in the direction of what he thought was the expansion tank only to point to the washer fluid where the previous customer obviously liked to fill it up with cherry smelling screen wash!! Both bought the cars
  3. 1 point
    Like this a lot. I was tempted to go down the lines of the essex car company from that documentary on channel 4 "What can I do to get your business today?" Weird because they seemed really interested but when they said how much can we get off and i explained that i could only do a little bit the guy said i've got your number and hopped back in his car! Who knows if i'll see him again.
  4. 1 point
    My insurance is only when accompanied by myself. As for test drives one lady simply couldn't drive full stop. after 100 yards of stalling I took over and drove. She bought the car though!
  5. 1 point
    My insurance covers for unaccompanied demo's but I've never done one yet, I normally get a good bit of info out of them on test drive and always persuade them to take it a little bit further than they originally wanted. It amazes me how many of my local dealers only take them a couple of miles though town and never get out of 3rd gear. On a side note, what's the worst test drive you've been on? Mine has to be a mid-20's lad in a Z3 who I asked to pull over and stop because he was scaring me so much - drove it like an absolute nutter!!
  6. 1 point
    just put trade plates on every test drive and never ever do unaccompanied drives unless you have cast iron insurance to cover it,you need to confirm driver also has a clean licence prior to them wanting to drive your car at 40 in a 30 like they all want to
  7. 1 point
    best thing is when they come back after thinking about it and you can tell them it sold just after they left,its such a nice feeling and in days gone by i would sometimes do it just for the gleefullnes of it even though it wasnt sold,oh the good ole days eh where there were more bums than seats
  8. 1 point
    Actually another we loop hole in the system (not that we take advantage of loop holes) , you can road tax the vehicle for 6 months then as long as the car is sold within 2 months you can still put the new owner details on the V5 and cover the cost of the 4 months road tax you can't reclaim in the cost of the transaction, however I think Wheeldealer1's idea is the best !!! Jim
  9. 1 point
    All aboard the Be Back Bus Wasn't a Honda was it?
  10. 1 point
    You should have taxed it on DD then just cancel the DD online in you bank account settings soon as you stop using the car, works a charm !
  11. 1 point
    Really sorry to hear you're news must be a very sad day for you. Good luck with your new venture when one door closes another one opens. The way the jobs going you never know it may be a blessing in disguise.
  12. 1 point
    Dunno, but the plane is going through next week as a Grade 3
  13. 1 point
    when you get old like some of us who hated local newspapers and their working practises, autotrader came like a breath of fresh air, so, after something like 28 years its really hard to walk away, but im learning that places like ebay might be the new way forward and im surprised im saying this because im a proper stick in the mudder,,but autotrader really is losing its way because its not a monopoly anymore just like yellow pages was