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Nick M.K.

Autotrader systems now check advertised mileage against online MOT data

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Autotrader have finally implemented a system which checks your advertised mileage against the online MOT data for that vehicle reg. 

One to watch out for, especially when the reg number you use (if you ever do that) is from another similar vehicle which has higher miles. They don't email you the reason, don't tell you, the advert just gets rejected...

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Hi mate, Do you know if it checks only the current vosa mileage or previous one too. We see a lot of mileage discrepancys where it is clearly a human input error. Wonder if these will also be rejected by A/t

Edited by Tony F

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  On 12/4/2018 at 5:03 PM, Tony F said:

Hi mate, Do you know if it checks only the current vosa mileage or previous one too

It checks against the last VOSA mileage entry only. It specifically looks for misleading ads where the mileage is rounded down on purpose, say 80000 instead of 86520. 

IF the entry is in kilometres for example the ad will still get rejected but a phonecall to their "misleading ads team" should sort it. 

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Interesting.In theory it is good,but what if AT cock up,how long might it take to contact the misleading ads team whatever that is ( it might be an automated system) and how long to sort it out. I think it could be good news for no plate suppliers because traders will just use plates showing the Year suffix on photos rather than risk having a mistake keep something off sale.

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Great idea, as the above says levels the playing field, anything that can crack down on misleading adverts and tries to get rid of the less than reputable dealers is welcome

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Interesting, but how accurate is the checking? I'm sure I'm not the only person who may have a car that sits on a mileage parameter who would list a car at say 60,000 miles when it has 60,500 on it (I would always list the EXACT mileage in the ad text) as I'm sure a customer would still regard it as having covered 60k.

helpful for sifting out the real liars, but when its only slightly out surely they have an allowance?

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