It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. TOtally agree ,here's my reply I wrote ten minutes earlier to previous poster but this new toy I'm on has me beat I much prefer my filofax Sorry I don't get it I'm assuming you see the big boys buying this stuff and want a piece of that club It's not for me I know my place and my market and although my business has morphed many times this last 35 years I still use the same rule , k I s s ,if I try something different its under a much smaller budget than 19g so although I might lost a belt I've still got me trousers Each to their own though but remember there's tax to pay next month unexpected bills and of course lean February Just sayin
  2. wow its donkey years since ive removed a towbar to sell a car you have to remember hes a landrover expert though so he knows the towbars come off with half his rear chassis on an old landie
  3. thats why this time he bought off a dealer though he gets legal rights and knows where to serve the papers i would use this to all my customers if i were you ,tell them your here today and tomorrow not like robbit and scarper
  4. you dont need mechanical knowledge though just common sense
  5. you can get a big Hawaiian back drop now to go with your videos saves cutting the hedges every fortnight
  6. to be honest the last thing on my mind would be worrying about their lost road tax more importantly have they been ragging it or have they swapped a major component out the reason i keep the log boks for my time period is i know the cars wont come back but surely it makes sense to do the same? space tied up in cars unsaleable till dvla do their business and lets be honest here if customer comes back raving demanding money back and they dont have the log book what chance of them posting it to you in 2 weeks time? nil zilch nowt is the answer whilst they will still go on facepalm and all the other sites trying to besmirch your business because a fault occured on a car you sold but it was outside the remit of a pdi fresh mot good long drive prior to offer of sale and during sale, the only bit missed off was the crystal ball check pre sales signing
  7. wow ive only been away from here for 24 hours and ive missed 30 new links so much to do and so little time
  8. i prefer to think of it as due diligence sold a car this week it came back the next day with eml on if customer kicked off and i refunded it could be 6 weeks before i could resell i sorted the problem and they went off happy but you will always get someone who kicks off no matter how much sweetness and light they were at pos
  9. Ive gone all modern and electronically send them off 7 to 14 days after collection time Lots of stamps saved at nearly 13 bob each, but more importantly i get confirmation of deed done,i print off this confirmasation, clip it to the kept log book and staple it behind my hard copy invoice,it might be messy but this way i have a full paper trail for any future problems that may arise with regards the heater element you need a big smoldering iron to attach the broken clip one from the likes of maplins wont be big enough,the second problem is modern solder it really is dire stuff and doesnt flow like the old tin/lead stuff did so look in grandpas shed for some pre effluent stuff
  10. been a good year hope everyone else all the best for 2018 onwards and upwards
  11. i only play what ive found in the last car cd pl;ayer im currently listening to the bus wheels go round and round
  12. i know where you may have purchased this from,be careful with these chinese clones though as they are not screened properly and can send engine management wiring scatty ie cause non starts due to spurious electrical emfs james dillon is the man to ask
  13. 2 today it really is a strange year
  14. you are from the soft sarf up ere our women like to tug hard on the handles
  15. ha ha ford ka digital with the lush green interior now wheres me sick bag
  16. change under the seats i miss not finding any these days
  17. ive been at the other end and struggled so thats my only experiance im afraid,the first one i bought didnt even have central locking even on the key,thought the thing was faulty, an 'edge' i think i think they need spec but remember it might still be a region thing
  18. thats because youve found your market
  19. time to get out the rollers and paint the floor change that bulb reorder some new pos material put some bleach down the bog,what is that stain anyway reappraise how we are going to do better next year kick the dog....
  20. what if he lives by the sea though will he sink or swim