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Everything posted by StephenJury

  1. Time to load up with convertibles? What did you think of the data / graphic?
  2. Thought this might be of interest to you guys.’s latest car selling trend data allows you to see what’s hot in the used car market. Ford Fiesta tops the most popular car sold in March across the UK, with 9,436 units sold. Total cars sold by dealers in March was 166,172 - up 8.8% from 152,716 in February. Infographic below
  3. Can not put Instagram without vine Errr have you heard of this little thing called YouTube? It's a video thing that's the world second biggest search engine :)
  4. A few bits on this at Car Dealer
  5. Sparky, have alot of stats to wow you with. drop me an email
  6. Evening all, thought is take the opportunity to share the new Carfuffle advert with you. Take a look at What do you think of the new advert?
  7. crazy bad! You can have a little bit of fun in replying to a bad comment. Here's my favourite one recently at
  8. Just an FYI after simon's plug stock management tool (AutoEdit) is FREE to our advertisers.
  9. Hello all, I'm pleased to share the new Carfuffle TV Advert. Watch it now at The massive TV campaign which launches tomorrow will help our dealers sell more cars, and more buyers find the one that’s right for them. Our adverts have regular spots on the nation’s favourite TV channels reaching car buyers across every type of programme and channel. So..... what do you think?
  10. Video! Takes 1 min to film and 1 min to upload to YouTube. Consumers need 'enough' images, would suggest 12 is all that is needed based on research and engagement.
  11. Surprised you haven't said any vauxhall ones James. Big fan of a corsa I've heard
  12. Must be a thing about chickens at the moment Nismo 370z
  13. Links to AM.... James will be happy Umesh
  14. Yes, the is beautiful on all devices and full responsive As our dealer websites via #salespitch
  15. Lovely looking videos James! All will make sense regarding the colour change soon, infact i think we are just about to pop Car Dealer a press release about it. Stay tuned
  16. has gone a bit green, see at What do think?
  17. My quick feedback doesn't work on mobile, well its not responsive or has a mobile website. Hopefully someone has forgotten to turn on the mobile redirect I'd suggest the phone number on the car details page is far too hidden and small. On my experience this should be big and bold similar to "make an enquiry". Not sure why your phone number is hidden away at the top right, seems a little strange. From an SEO point of view it would have helped having a news section. Actually i found this in the end, but is strangely hidden under a sub menu in contact us. You have no page titles on your seo landing pages such as and the H1 is Welcome to Autoecosse Subaru. You might be better off having a better search term such as "used subarus for sale in TOWN".
  18. Lovely update by twitter today to include images in your feed. Get posting images!
  19. So this might come across like a bit of a sales pitch, but will try not to be a secret sales person. I just love the whole mobile debate and the rate of change of adapting to this technology. Thankfully I feel dealers are finally onboard with the need for mobile websites, but they are already outdated. I've noticed a few tweets today posting links to new websites that have been launched for dealers. Sadly they have mobile landing pages that will hurt the SEO and user experience for the dealer sites. There are few suppliers claiming they are building responsive websites, some are true, some are not. Responsive doesn't mean a mobile ready website or a redirect to The new responsive website has seen incredible results since its launch a few months along and our team also build dealer sites via our flex platform. See A couple of recent examples are and Any dealers out there thinking about responsive?
  20. More news today featured on Car Dealer today on this
  21. Clare, offer a couple of local retweet competitions to win something in the local area. Nothing too expensive, just a round of golf, meal at a restaurant etc. This will grow your audience, but more importantly local audience.
  22. Been a bit busy Philip Here's a press release from yesterday
  23. Hi Guys, this is pretty hard one to answer and we've not done any research into this area. There are so many factors to create the "perfect" advert including the right images, geo phone number, price, location etc etc. A better / unique description would make an advert better but would be nearly impossible to put a stat on any uplift in CTR.
  24. Dan, worth reading this release from and Manheim