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Everything posted by EPV

  1. It’s your business mate and you can sell how you like. Personally I say I accept cards for a small deposit and it’s readies or bank transfer the rest. Hasn’t done me any harm so far.
  2. EPV

    Tow Bars

    I think the point is people will look past that and be glad it’s got a tow bar? i suppose it’s this game, you can’t be everything to everyone.
  3. EPV

    Tow Bars

    In your stock I can wel imagine that’s true.
  4. EPV

    Tow Bars

    Cheap and cheerful ain’t they. They all seem pretty good mechanically but for me the interiors let them down a bit but as you say, the light is on for the masses.
  5. EPV

    Tow Bars

    Typically I was taking all bars off but under the advice of forumites i’d say on. The buyer of that Dacia will probably be a caravan owner.
  6. EPV

    Tow Bars

    Interesting, cheers chaps.
  7. EPV

    Tow Bars

    Exciting stuff I know but I digress... Leave em on or take em off? Car dependent, is what you say, well fair enough so here's some examples; 2009 Freelander 2 2.2 HSE 2013 V60 2014 C Class Est - AMG Sport 2008 318 Msport tourer All estate/suv type cars so understandable that some have tow bars but do people want to see them on, or off? Does it put buyers off thinking it's been used as a workhorse or do people prize a tow bar over that thought?
  8. That car has provided me with golden rule number one, don't buy silver cars.
  9. I couldn't sell it so added a couple of extra ones, still can't sell it
  10. I got through to the AH and I won’t lose any sleep over it as it turns out the reserve is £8.3, the bidding stopped at £6.6 and CC is £7.6. I have no fucking idea where the vendor has pulled £8.3 from as it’s a grade 4, 127,000 mile car but it’s their choice I suppose. I wont be getting the green light this time I reckon. The one and only other time i’ve had a provisional bid was sold off to me within 30 mins. I think the fucking vendor was even there today n’all! Useful to know TV thanks but as I said this one won’t be coming my way unless the vendor wakes up to the smell of coffee tomorrow
  11. That is, i’m afraid a secret but I send them out to a bloke who does them very cheaply. £1 per photo. But I can’t say where or all you buggers will want him....
  12. I think green looks perfect mate. If it ain’t broke...
  13. What’s a reasonable timeframe for a vendor to give the green light on a provisional bid? Been waiting all day and i’m getting fed up and would rather know either way so I can move on to other targets
  14. I am actually the only motor trader in the world who displays his plates correctly (ok I made that bit up and occasionally put them inside the window with not one fuck given) but I know most shove them in the window
  15. Alright there Stevie? to be fair I do live in a ruffian part of Kent
  16. I wonder what happens then, if mr plod with his flash anpr equipment clocks your vrm and ascertains the car isn’t insured, and doesn’t notice the trade plates in the rear window (due to it being too dark or too bright or his eyesight or they have fallen off) doesn’t he then pull you over? like Mark said if you want to avoid as much law enforcement entanglement as possible, take 30 secs to pop online to your portal, get it on the MID and have one less thing to concern yourself with.
  17. EPV


    Sold an A6 Avant to a chap on Saturday. He called at 10:30am, he went and drew the readies out, was with me by 4pm, test drove the life out of the car, lifted every rock and stone and looked in every nook and cranny then paid full money and even gave me a £20 drink. Pain in the arse punters are universal!
  18. Doom and gloom, game's dead, etc etc...
  19. Plus two It takes me thirty seconds to log on to my portal and add a car. Why anyone wouldn't do it is beyond me.
  20. EPV


    No. I don’t see how I could possibly know how what trim levels of each manufacturer are ranked.