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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Everything is subjected to wear and tear.
  2. 2 dippers taken today, positive viewing tomorrow. Picking up. It helps of course, I've got cars to sell.
  3. I didn't say you were fat, I said Tradex is fatter than you. Mark is fatter than everyone so he says...
  4. I'll have a guess and say he's angling at the fact that he's a fat cunt. Fatter than you, hence making you look slim.
  5. Like night and day. Well done for taking the advice on board and listening instead of getting upset because you were told some home truths. A couple of your photos need a little more care, the one of the boot for example needs centering and straightening. When you take a photo think about the subject matter being centred and level. When taking exterior photos of cars specifically. Also, you only have 20 images you are allowed to use. Don’t use one of them providing information (your company name and number) that can easily be found elsewhere. Use every slot to provide a new piece of information. Cram as much as you can into the page. This is where imo, lots of people go wrong with AT. The don’t think hard enough about how they can use every inch of the advert to their advantage. Well done on the progress. Your presentation is now significantly better. Always room for improvement of course.
  6. It's actually my favourite rebuttal to the "can you do anything withe the price?" question. "I'd love to help but I've actually got a chap booked in for 9am tomorrow morning, he's coming up for Brighton, the car's for his wife, he sounded awfully keen and I suspect he will not be leaving empty handed" Sometimes that's actually true. "Can you do anything with the price?" Gotta love that one. Yeah, I can add another grand to it if you like.
  7. Indeed, precisely what my deposit slip states. It's a contract they are entering, they only reason you aren't asking for all of the money there and then is because they are not taking the car there and then.
  8. I’d politely decline his request for a further discount and leave it there. If he then wanted to back out i’d keep his deposit and fuck him. As you say he’s taken your kindness for weakness and thinks he can push you more.
  9. If you can make it work outside of AT then good luck to you mate.
  10. Welcome. Stop listening to your friend, that's lesson number 1 here. Green fields look much better as a background. Zoom in on the car, less background more car. You've bought yourself two silver small cars to sell, there are literally hundreds available within a 50 mile radius of anyone on the planet. Improving your presentation will speed up your sales but if you're just looking to knock out a couple a month, don't make them silver small cars imo. Don't bother showing the engine bay, it looks rank. It's a car likely to be bought by a first time driver, old lady, single mum. None of those need reminding a car has an engine. Switch the ICE on when taking internal shots, these sorts of cars look uninspiring at the best of times never mind when a blanked out LCD screen is there to greet you upon arrival. As above, clean the pedals, not everyone will notice it but you only need one who's a buyer to notice and they will flick to the next low mileage silver small car. On a positive, your website looks not half bad aside from a few things I could pick on but you've got enough to be getting on with. You've got to seriously up your game with your presentation, you're selling minis from the door, you've got to be something that most others aren't and offering 9 months MOT and pretty average photos isn't going to help you sell cars and grow your business. Significantly better. That second picture is almost stimulating. Nothing to do with the car, I'd rather walk on broken glass than drive one but the photography is much better. Well done.
  11. Very likely to be a bunch of pikey types. I ain't no fighter.
  12. Try putting _______ between paragraphs. Doesn’t look amazing but better than one long paragraph.
  13. Amazing. He’s what BHM would call a nearly man. I nearly went to the Caribbean. I nearly bought an MX5.
  14. I’m amazed you’ve left it this long! I’m thinking along the same lines as what TV is. What warranties, if any, does your invoice state? How did you pay? Depending on the circumstances you may have some recourse with your bank/credit card company. I know as traders we look upon a chargeback as the anti christ but this is a different situation. You’re clearly being fucked about by a bunch of complete chancers. Speak with your bank, I imagine you have a list of correspondence dating back months that you could send them. Amen. I’m in a situation where i’ve bought a recon engine off a complete charlatan and he’s had 3 goes at putting the issue to bed and he just can’t. Luckily I had my wits about me enough to pay by credit card, so i’m setting about getting my money back through MasterCard. I agree about visualising their set up though. Pikey mob, bits of old engines all over the gaff, floor an inch deep in 20 year old oil etc. I had my 10 mins on the naughty step and I won’t be going back again
  15. Don't be putting imperial leather in the bogs, they'll know you're having four figs across every car. Give em swarfega, in an industrial tub.
  16. See a similar thread made here the other day mate, it's not something to be fitted in around other things. Let's say you buy and prep a couple, the phone rings "Can I come and see it in 2 hours?" Now if you're bang in the middle of a job, which is likely, then no sorry, mr customer, you can't. And the reality is that selling small cars, fiestas, corsas, for a couple of grand, is that they are ten a penny and people have plenty of choice, meaning that they will go and see another one. If however you chose to sell miley lumpy estates that had a bit of spec and were wanted by people who needed a large cheap but comfortable shed to ferry the dogs, kids and crap around, they would no doubt wait for you to be available. I'm not saying sell miley lumpy estates, I'm saying that might be a better stock profile to suit your daily life. And yes, buying privately is an excellent way to start. If you can paint, what better than to find a low owner, high mileage, well maintained estate/suv car that needs paint in several panels and buy it cheap and paint it and hoover the shit out of it and take some nice photos and sell for a profit. Selling small first time cars is an art I think and needs a pitch to do it.
  17. You're in an identical situation to me mate. Deals are done either in my front room or when occupied by the family, my local pub. It hasn't stopped me.
  18. Excellent idea. Spent a couple of hours looking for commercial property to lease and didn't even think of this. What I need is a bloody big car park to rent a bit off someone...
  19. Depends where you are. £10 a day in central London is very reasonable. £10 a day 50 miles outside Carlisle? Not so reasonable.
  20. That’s exactly it. Swings and roundabouts. Dead to manic busy and back again. No such thing as steady for weeks on end.
  21. 100% that wasn’t a buyer. People who drive high performance cars (speaking from past and current personal experience) want to drive the fucking things, look good and draw envy. I make no bones about my way of choosing cars. It certainly ain’t to rush on to PH to talk about diff pressures and what type of gas is filling my tyres. They tend to matter not when you’re doing 30mph 90% of the time. What a div. I sold a 545i tourer a few months back. Some bloke bored me for 25 mins telling me everything he knew about BMW’s and a lot he probably didn’t know. Despite my best efforts to curtail the call I eventually said I had someone just walked in wanting to test drive it, just to get rid of him. Seriously he was a MONUMENTAL bore. He never called back, asking if the phantom bloke bought it. A week later it sold to someone who needed a big car and wanted to go fast occasionally. Precisely what the fucking thing was manufactured for. Like your experience, the nerd was never a buyer.