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Everything posted by EPV

  1. The days in stock thing doesn't really bother me. No doubt the public think they have some extra info but the reality for me is, if I have a price, it's the price. "You've had it 90 days mate, come on I know you need to sell it" "Sell it yes, give it away, no. The price is fixed sir" Pointless bit of info for joe public in my world.
  2. Two of those bits of info you can get from AT. Price marker and in the browser bar it will state the date it went on sale. Granted most wouldn’t know that latter piece of info but online buying is gradually taking over everything and will be the norm.
  3. Not that you’re spamming of course.
  4. Did you have to pull it out of your back first?
  5. The result of Stevie Wonder and Playskool
  6. Apart from this one Horses for courses mate
  7. Find out the current mileage, make a 45p a mile deduction, offer her a refund less the deduction, get the car back, cube it, stop selling 12 year old pugs.
  8. Jesus and I thought I had a busy day.
  9. 4 sold today. 3 away and 1 dipper taken. New daily record for me (was 3 previously) and takes me up to 8 this month from an average of 8 in stock, equalling last month.
  10. Indeed. It’s similar to if you use your credit card via PayPal, you don’t get the S75 coverage.
  11. Because at the moment he is letting the billy get the upper hand and making the OP look bad He needs to put the billy back in his box and make him look unreasonable whilstthe OP looks like the bigger man. Then he can leave the ball in his court.
  12. Apart from the one i’ve already done for you? Take what I wrote earlier today (by email and post only letter) and add in what I’ve written above. I don’t think you need to educate him on every wrong part of his letter but he was never entitled to a refund, the fault isn’t likely to be the same one, an EML isn’t a fault it’s an indicator, he isn’t entitled to a full refund now, the list goes on. He just needs to be put back in his place, a reasonable letter sent which will stand you in good stead if he wants to go long haul and you then need to get on with your life and wait for him to make his move.
  13. Of course they will want both sides of it. In any case, Barclaycard aren’t the real issue here. This billy has the upper hand and imo is leading the OP by the nose. The previous letter has done nothing to put him back on his heels.
  14. Sorry I know that several on here think that letter is the way to go but for me it doesn’t do anything useful for you. Mentioning the warranty is just erroneous, it means the square root of fuck all when it comes to dealing with the CRA. I don’t wish to sound like a twat but my suggestion of a letter was better. It deals with the fact he won’t release the mileage to you and deals with the fact that an EML isn’t a fault, it’s a possible indicator of a fault. It also showed you in the correct light, that you are a reasonable person and he is being unreasonable. In your shoes, I would now send my suggested letter with something added in clarifying that the EML coming on is not a sign that the initial fault has not been fixed but merely a sign that the car has developed a fault which is in all probability unrelated to the first fault. It is probably not an ongoing fault but a new fault. Start setting this bloke straight, stop mentioning what happened before and specialists and warranties. Act like this is a new problem (it probably is) and in any case he was never entitled to a full refund anyway. I’d say that would be his best chance of getting his full refund as if the facts were laid bare he’d be getting nowhere near a full refund. Barclaycard may well wilt, shove him his money and try and bully the full amount out of OP.
  15. Please post the letter you sent to him.
  16. Hardly, a 3 series Tourer. You just need to find cars that are sought after and price them accordingly.
  17. Not really. I’ve sold several cars in excess of AT’s suggested market value. I have one right now for example, AT suggest £7750 and i’ve got it up for £8250. I don’t even have the car in my possession yet, it’s got 3 photos online and i’ve had three calls in 5 days wanting to see it.
  18. Nice move Mark. No doubt it will put some people’s noses out of joint as “how will I know if I like it if I can’t drive it” to which the answer is why WOULDNT you like it if it drives as i’m telling you, I.e without fault?
  19. I know mate I was just saying that everyone needs some sort of advice, when faced with the threat of legal action. Old Bailey or Judges chambers and his cat. Lawgistics offer a good service imo, a quick phone call and you have the correct advice on the other end of the phone. Doesn’t always have to be about court either, just reassurances you’re doing the right thing. You’ve been in the game long enough to not need that I expect, power to you. But most of us newbies need the support.
  20. If that was the case mate there would be no solicitors employed in any area of law. Taking proper legal advice is surely sensible when facing the threat of legal action? Luckily the OP can use the resources of this forum initially but even that is not “doing it for himself?” I’ve looked for that myself mate actually and can’t find specific wording but as you say it’s taken as read. I don’t think at this stage a response to the billy needs to read like a solicitors letter.
  21. Mate if you can get by on £400 per car then that’s enough isn’t it? Don’t worry about what others may or may not get. It’s what you need to make that counts. I once made £1450 on a £2,995 Car. I’ve made £2100 on a £12,500 car. I’ve also lost a grand on a £5500 car. It doesn’t matter what i’ve made and lost though, just what you NEED to make. But yes, you should be looking for £750 on a £4K car really. Your overheads could easily grow to £2.5k a month and beyond. At £400 per unit You’d need to turn 20 cars a month to pay a wage, tax, VAT and cover your overheads. Could you turn 20 cars off a 10-12 size forecourt?