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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. I remember spending an hour trying to find out how to do this on a M.K. 1 Focus years ago. Typical man I refused to look at the instructions. (Always banging my shin on the dashboard bit to the right of the steering wheel too on bloody things when getting in to them also!) Apologies if I’m repeating myself- but also true re:instructions; the first time I jumped into a Prius (hire car) and couldn’t get it to start. Spent twenty minutes shouting at the thing before I finally admitted defeat and went into ask the woman behind the desk how to do it...
  2. No. Can’t clear it. Did you Hpi before buying? Cat D’s don’t all appear on the log book.
  3. I don’t disagree. Although if (like me) you do have a couple of salesman- maybe you could. We all have a fair bit of downtime was my point. I’m sure some on here have a sideline I know we should be out there tinkering and rephoto’ing but sometimes you just don’t/CBA
  4. It’s a funny old game... I often try to think what else we could do as sideline when there’s downtime. I’ve never been able to come up with anything. I know some on here have workshops and others dabble in property. Be interesting to hear what you all do if anything.
  5. 14 here so no too bad. No AT bill either. ;o) I do agree it’s the lull before the storm too. Let’s hope so anyway. If Rory is quiet too then it’s def not just you OP As I always say -it’s the best or the worst job in the world this game....
  6. Had the same issue today but noticed by the workshop during the Mot and Pdi. They rang to check we didn’t have it and then they bashed them off. New set of non-lockers fitted (it’s an i10 after all, but we would replace with a new set if on something meatier etc) and noted on Pdi sheet by them that LWN not applicable as not fitted. The customer then signs Pdi sheet at handover and if a LWN is fitted it also states where it is and their attention drawn to it No fuss or hassle and just part of the covering your arse process -if you source out your Pdi with the Mot after the sale (and give the punter a copy of the Pdi) and do a good handover. I’d not thought of photographing it though. What next? Maybe we should photo the tyre pressures and AC temp ;o)
  7. Why pay for it when the punters get it free? It doesn’t give you desireability in your area but that’s bollocks anyway. As is good price/great price as it’s self fulfilling. Car Gurus is much cheaper and gives that nonsense too if it appeals to you. BCA give guide prices anyway Check the trade and retail price on the above free AT site and the free Hpi/cap one, go with your gut and buy what appeals to you. Save yourself the £1200 a year wasted on that nonsense I say. Search what’s advertised within 40miles at most and price accordingly. If it’s something a bit speccy or different then it won’t just be your local buyers looking or rocking up to buy it as it’s a small country nowadays thanks to the internet.
  8. Yeah. Same here. Between that, the free AT one and the free Hpi/CAP one, it’s more than enough to make a decision. It’s just a guide after all and as has been said above: nothing beats looking at what similar are being advertised for. That and your experience of course. Being the cheapest is usually pointless anyway.
  9. As above. There’s various free ones: and We Buy Any Car is painless enough for a CAP average price ...and I’ve not bothered with a paid for guide for years. Also, most auction houses give CAP figures with the listing.
  10. Hi Kenny. Where are you based? As you know I’m sure, the difficulty is getting potential users to your website. This is where Autoraper’s established brand proves to be their secret weapon. CarGurus have an interesting and somewhat mildly successful (hugely successful in the US) different angle of pop up and sponsored banners appearing everywhere on your desktop etc. Motonovo’s Find and Fund is (doomed in my humble opinion) throwing loads of money at TV adverts when spending it pushing the site up the google rankings etc would be better I think, as you’ve got to metaphorically get ‘bums on seats’. What is your angle / game plan USP on drawing traffic to your site? You can have the best website in the world but it’s no good if no one lands on it. No offence as I couldn’t do better, but it looks a bit old fashioned and basic to me. As has been said, you need to offer a basic listing package free and try and grow it, then charge later. You’d draw some revenue from sponsored ads and banners etc maybe. Also, good luck with it.
  11. That’s what I mean: you could change your website phone number to one of the monitored numbers. Or just forward your number to one of them.
  12. Motors, Exchange and Mart and Autoraper all provide this service with the standard package -but obviously only when their phone numbers from the ad is used. You can listen back through their portals. You could always change your advertised number to one of these, then all your calls would be recorded (If I wanted to hear the sound of MY own voice, I’d attempt to speak more / try to get through to my 18 year old daughter.)
  13. Your website is very old and tired looking. I guess it's an AT one? Also when you land on it and click on used cars, it loads lowest price first. I'd go for highest price. You'd benefit greatly from going to someone like the excellent 'Click Dealer'. I, and others on here can't praise them enough. They will work hard for you designing a new, modern, mobile friendly and much better performing site. They will also work on your search engine management and ranking etc. Well worth the money and not expensive. I would re-photo everything too and try to make them look better. Again- lots of advice on this can be found on here. I've sworn the pledge against german stuff and diesels where possible. Especially german diesel saloons .. I just can't sell them for toffee over the last 18 months or so. A well presented, high mileage luxury german estate car you will sell -as a few on here do well with them. Their presentation and descriptions are spot on though and they rave about doing videos too. I agree totally with Twerp. I really don't mean to kick you but I wouldn't want any of the stuff you've got. Little cars are hard work too. Get out of that stuff and try something else. By the way, where do you advertise apart from Autotrader? Also, I wouldn't panic too much after a couple of quiet quarters. I remember much longer droughts than that.
  14. Hi Southeast and welcome! I'm sorry to hear that, but you are not alone & you will find many previous useful threads on here on a similar subject. Well worth the time trawling through them. For me, dropping Autotrader made a massive difference, as you haven't got that monster to feed each month. Others on here will disagree with me. As far as another business goes, I can't answer that for you and, as above but if you can do it alongside your current business and see if it grows, then that would be good surely? We have a pitch but most sales are internet based now and ARE NOT mostly local sales. You have to work really hard at it and the cheapest isn't necessarily the best as I'm sure you know. You just need to find your niche and add value/make them look the best/do all prep. Hope it works out for you and any sensible questions are always answered on here so let us know. Also- if you let us have your website address, then the gang on here are very good at pointing out ways to improve. If you want to keep it private, then message me and I'll give my tuppence-worth.
  15. I had numerous issues on a Passat years ago. All sorts of things including the turbo got changed, to no avail. Got fed up and took it somewhere else. Long story short- they fitted a new/correct battery and all was good! I’m no mechanical expert though but seems a good punt first off, that and not buying German cars ;o)
  16. I’ve messaged her for you. They’ve been excellent for us.
  17. I'm finding it tough too at the moment, but we're being more selective than usual, as don't really need to buy anymore, however: The secret (for me anyway) is that we keep buying- even when we don't need to. We are lucky though in that a) we can afford to and b have somewhere to put the overflow. If you're working on a limited budget and only replace when a few have sold/have space restraints, I can empathise and remember the days. Stock is always about when you don't need it or can't afford it.
  18. Blue Finance will help you/do it for you for free. The Rep. Natalie is on here and is very helpful - her number is 07849 832045
  19. Ha. No, actually I’ve never sold him a car that’s in stock. Like you say, I’m paranoid about getting them a lemon, plus they never remember to service them without repeated prompting, so I now sort that each time they’re up our way. Ones I can remember (over about 20 years now) for them both are -all petrol): MK2 Golf C, MK3 Golf 1.6 SE, 1.4 Polo CL, Suzuki Baleno Estate, 1.9Tdi Passat, Suzuki Jimny, Suzuki Swift 1.5, Toyota Corolla Estate She had the Polo for about 8 years before the engine expired due to lack of servicing. Ben (still not that one) is now doing about 30k a year with his job, so I’m waiting for that call as the Corolla has done nearly 150k. I’m already trying to figure out what to get him next, and he’s mentioned in passing how much he’s spending in fuel so a diesel might be wise- but what’s reliable enough and will take the punishment? Although he does get a mileage allowance. Needs to be a small to medium estate as he goes out foraging for wood for their wood burner and they have a dog. Ideas appreciated.
  20. You’ll pick up some more business but it’s not usually a great uplift. However, we have had some good ‘honeymoon’ periods when taking on sites. We’re a main road site and rarely get many walk-ons as I’ve said before. It is mostly internet, emails, prior phone calls etc. and 9 time out of ten I know when someone is coming. I think it helps if you’ve got a site to add ‘some’ credibility, but I’m not sure it’s as important as it once was. And you’ve got that rates bill and other costs to make up for. Good luck with it though mate. It’s still something I’m proud to have and I’m sure you’ll do OK.
  21. We’ve done five so far, so could be worse. Phone and virtual enquiries are pretty non existent though
  22. That’s hilarious. ‘Nowt queerer than folk’ and all that. My easiest sale is my mate Ben (no, not him). He hates cars, and knows nothing about them. Every four years or so he tells me his budget and nothing else. I buy the car and he comes and collects it -nothing else is said. The same happens with his wife, although she gives me some guidelines about size of car.
  23. Nothing yet ANOTHER rate increase won’t sort out.