have a word with the wife

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Everything posted by have a word with the wife

  1. km56vyg check the history https://www.check-mot.service.gov.uk car is currently today 76000 mile showing and runs and drives take particular note of mileage then notice when it passed its test 20dec 2012 then failed, same day then it looses 6,000 mile next year, but fails on same thing ? etc etc
  2. oh, and by the way, supermarkets are quiet, markets are quiet, parking was easy, everyones gone to de beach
  3. a v888/2 form and £2.50 allegedly, but who can afford to wait around while dvla MAY give you the facts? as jim says, this could increase the demand for cars with comprehensive warranty schemes, and full previous owner detail, do you know the full detail on previous owners or do you just blag it ? the second option is risky
  4. carrilions another, builders still paying hire fees for construction equipment locked in sites for months, numerous stories, just barstewards lot of em,
  5. No way; I was at BCA yesterday and looking at their floor it must be an epoxy resin finish. BCA undoubtedly have more traffic than any of us and the floor is mint - whenever I have used standard floor paint, it comes off and wears out very quickly. I think you've done a cracking job Simon and no doubt still "flying" off the fumes..... bca will have more traffic but floor paint is, in the long term, cheaper, sweeps easy, repels water, and if your renting? why give the landlord a bonus ? if it comes off and wears out very quickly thats either paint bought off a pikey or a damp floor, we do ours every xmas, throw it out of tin, roller on end of sweeping brush handle, and roll away, make sure you put the padlocks by the exit door though first
  6. so, we dont take bids ? but do we bid ourselves ? when your buying, do you bid less? just last week , i did, was buying tools, asked for a discount, i do it whenever i am spending cash, new tv ? discount ! anything, discount! new or second hand, if i think there's a opportunity, then yes, not piss takingly low, and not if i think the price is good or the seller is struggling !
  7. is the best plan all round, and mate, dont get involved, sure you will get your costs back somehow, or put it down to experience probably ltd
  8. No chance then, case dismissed. As for trading standards, trading standards advise on consumer law, they will [ if funds allow] investigate and advise a company that is breaking consumer law, they havent broken consumer law, so will not investigate.
  9. insurance is normally six potatoes, if youve got points on your licence they may want another king edward or two. trade plates are normally 3 clover leafs and a sprag of lucky heather. hope that helps .
  10. like it used to be, but somethings better than nothing
  11. v5c has no history of previous owner/s now, so if its been tested "all over country" you know its been about a bit, if its been tested at the same garage its more than likely been serviced there as well every year same time, its all about looking that bit deeper.
  12. On the mot history you can once again see test location, you'll need the latest log book though and enter the 11 digit number
  13. cars dumped all over, constant wet floor outside, customers parking everywhere but where the sign says [ only be a minute mate ] next doors little skip seems to attract old floor mats and broken wheel trims, revving, smoking, there mates leaving and spinning wheels, i could go on ..........
  14. took me all day on a renault, with alloys, done many many in the past, its not a job i would consider when i ran a tyre bay, unless they looked easy, with the renaults the stud sticks out the other side of hub, and rusts, if its got discs all round you struggle with all 4, gas axe came out in end, and very carefully i got them off with minimal damage to alloys, they still need full refurb, but they did when they came in, goes on my list as 1 to remember or forget
  15. no............. your bloody door bell doesnt work