have a word with the wife

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Everything posted by have a word with the wife

  1. Chancellor plans High Street rates relief i dont know the full details, and none of us will till monday, but half a million small businesses are to get help with business rates, now this is coming across as high street shops only, but, the treasury quotes pubs and newsagents in its savings [retail] your rateable value must be £51000 or less to get maybe a third off your current rates, so, and as i say dont know the full details, if your rated as "retail" you could be saving money soon
  2. walk round your stock, not with your eyes but a customers, lift the bonnet, look inside, glass clean? floor mats presentable ? enough petrol in ? start on the button ? dont reduce, just be better than your competion
  3. when i first posted this link the headline WAS = "world markets slide amidst investor fears" good old bbc hey ?
  4. not my test station, its research on future purchases
  5. Advisory notice item(s) n/s sill repaired with filler.
  6. Advisory notice item(s) no valve-caps fitted.
  7. i still use a paperclip and count the blinks
  8. if we read cra guidnance for business, we see the word "reasonable" and the guide quite clearly states that new or second hand, the goods must be of satisfactory quality based on what a "reasonable" person would consider satisfactory, and in many cases a "reasonable" persons expectations for second hand goods would be lower than they would be for brand new. Yes, the goods should still work, UNLESS THE LACK OF FUNCTION HAS BEEN MADE CLEAR [ PDI ] [or should have been discovered] ultimately, the final decision on who is and who isn't being reasonable rests with the courts, but this word "reasonable" when brought to consumers attention, [ or the court defence] could quite easily avoid any court action under cra. " r e a s o n a b le "
  9. customers need educating into what "USED" actually means, i dont know how like, but maybe we should use the word "part worn" like the tyres to be fair, the customer can nowadays easily view the discs with quite a few vehicles having alloys fitted nowadays, and the customer can bring this to the attention of the seller quite easy, some surface rust yes, ok, but not worn thin as a crisp
  10. xmas begins on the 23rd of december in my house ! although marks and spencer had a "xmas offer" on half price biscuit tins last week, and i must admit i purchased
  11. or are you ? how do we know what no quibble actually means ? no quibble could mean " i am not arguing with you, its wear and tear, no argument " and i am not mending it.
  12. from a slightly different angle, i have a punter coming on saturday, a genuine first time buyer, messaged me, well after 3 messages i've got bored and not replied, in all the 3 messages i've replied to i've said, phone me, this customer is of the opinion they dont need to phone, even to confirm before setting off, because i tell you know, if they message me sat morning that theyre on there way, i will not reply , so, please sell tomorrow, please sell tomorrow, please sell tomorrow
  13. highly recommend https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bmbhzb/the-bank-that-almost-broke-britain rbs
  14. they've swapped the battery and not tightened the terminals up, try a jump pack and wiggle [waggle] leads
  15. I can think of a hundred reasons why i disagree with this, but will just mention two, a test drive is a demonstration of the product its in addition to what is wrote in the window or what you've told them, number 2 hope i am not going the other way when one of your cars goes other way trade plate thrown in window and driver messing with radio it would be interesting and beneficial if you worked out what percentage of test drivers actually leads to a sale .
  16. i avoid the customer test driving the car the very best i can, tell you this, they dont know the area, they dont know the car, they like to brake hard [ just testing brakes mate] they have no idea of the speed limits, my very best advice, over 25s only, even if your policy says over 21, always but always accompanied, be on your toes at all times, AND be aware of theft, if they do get to talk you into them driving, you drive first, you explain the controls, on swap over, you remove the keys, you hold open the drivers door so customer gets in, you then get in passenger side, and THEN you hand them the keys, one of the very best ways to avoid customer driving is not to go back to base on the same road, as in, go rouind in a circle, all left or right turns if you see what i mean, this way your back at base before customer realises, then you say "oh sorry, you wanted a drive didn't you ? i got a bit carried away talking to you, sorry" and i can guarantee 9 out of ten will say, thats okay, seems good anyway, as you've already demonstrated the car good to them, you've told them clutch is halfway, brakes are at top, you've demonstrated it doesn't "pull" either way. This way youve avoided any bumps, and youve avoided a stain on seat
  17. put a 2 poster ramp in the corner [quite cheap nowadays] and you can put 2 in one space and use it for pdi assuming you have head height, 240v
  18. Can you squeeze me Into an empty page of your diary Really busy Busy clippers Oh, hairdresser on fire All around Sloane Square And you're just too busy To see me Busy clippers Oh, hairdresser on fire
  19. unbelievable isnt it ? i get this, i point them to bottom of advert that theyre reading while on there phone and i say, see, it says trade ? and not uncommonly the phone goes down now i always think that either a, they trying to lower the price on a private punter so they can resell it themselves, or, b, they think all traders are rip off merchants, well, good luck to them
  20. if you need a car, december or june, you need a car ! i dont open up between xmas and new year, too many bored tyrekickers about, phone only, and only if they explain theyre desperate to view/need. if memory serves me right pre xmas took a 2 or 3 depos last year, in no rush was collecting in new year so that was something to look forward in new year. Warning, folk get this idea over xmas that theyre going to trade a few in the new year [ "i used to do this job"] and turn up at the block jan, they have the parkers guide, and inflate prices, by the end of feb theyve found out paint doesnt dry, mechanics are bloody frozen and dont rush jobs, cars dont dry out, phone hasnt rung because there adverts all wrong, they've not fully worked out how much they've actually got IN a car, so by april its "i used to do this job" [ no you didnt mate] . but as i said, if you need a car, you need a car, and if they phone me and they dont to me seem keen, they may phone you and you may take there money
  21. overheating [and apparently they do this within seconds] when the pipe fails doesnt show on dashboard, head cracks and the water directs into exhaust port and from what i can work out on the 1.6 the head cracks on a oil feed , thats what the fire is.