have a word with the wife

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Everything posted by have a word with the wife

  1. a line for you to remember = "don't ask for acceptance, beg for forgiveness"
  2. https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/clarke-boxer-14150-150-litre-belt-driven-air/#reviewsBox recomended
  3. arfur, you need the biggest compressor that will run on a plug 13a, i recommend also not to run it through a extension lead, look at spending around £450-500, those with small tanks are just not good enough, they will be just running and running all time trying to catch up with the tornado, compressors, the motor turns a pump, very similar to a engine, the pump sucks air in through a filter, then, in a very similar fashion to a engine the piston forces the air into the tank, there is a valve that lets the air only flow one way [ two actually but lets not get too technical] into the tank, when the desired pressure is reached in the tank a the compressor turns off, when the pressure drops the compressor starts again automatically, a small cheap compressor will soon burn out, a full size proper one will last years and years and ALWAYS have a value .
  4. in the late 1970s earlie eighties not a problem, you would piss it, especially as youve got the land, but not nowadays, and i am sorry, but, by being brutally honest by saying theres a rip in the seat and that window doesnt work will not work when your competion is putting "mint condition" honesty is not the best policy, and it kills me to say it, please reconsider...........
  5. the suitcases in the boot might be a slight giveaway , the kiss me quick hat on the parcel shelf, or even the duty free on the back seat, but what i am trying to say is why risk your livelihood ?
  6. no credit 1 if your not sure of the customer, or they are too demanding, dont sell it to them 2 write down exactly what you spend on each individual car, dont forget advertising 3 pdi every car 4 be keen on your costs 5
  7. Permitted uses of trade licences You must only use trade licences for the particular business purposes for which we issued them. These include: • to test or trial a vehicle, its accessories or equipment during or immediately after its construction, modification or repair to undertake a test trial for the benefit of a prospective purchaser or the press • to demonstrate the operation of a vehicle, its accessories or equipment, when you hand it over to a purchaser or deliver it to the place where they intend to keep it to go to and from places of test or inspection and for going to a place for breaking and dismantling. A motor trader may use the trade licence on mechanically propelled vehicles only if they are temporarily in their possession in the course of their business. There is a maximum fine of £1,000 or five times the rate of duty chargeable in respect of the vehicle or vehicles, whichever is the greater, for: • using a trade licence for a purpose not permitted by the regulations ..............................
  8. i still say its one of the best ideas ive seen, ours gets well used, light valet, just the tornado, heavy valet tornado and wet n dry machine, just make sure your compressors up to it and the titan as mentioned earlier, a screwfix good buy, but its a little small, but there again not as LOUD as the wickes version, and wickes version is LOUD
  9. 27 so far this month , bought in 5 from the cars wanted sign, must say we nicked them ! all cash deals, we dont do finance at all
  10. " trust me " love it some punters just a need little more guidance, " of course you can have any inspection "
  11. this and this = 1401 to 2000cc £182 £202 2001 to 2500cc £229 £254 member / non member
  12. what he's saying is he doesn't trust you, and he's asking for you to say, "of course, any inspection is more than welcome " my experience in 95% of these cases, the aa man never turns up, the customer KNOWS he has to pay for it, he is just looking for a bit more security
  13. log in with your trade card number and it shows the discount , and yes to your question, i did for a tool cabinet, and its good quality
  14. exactly ! it will be more than made up for in recommendations, repeat business etc and the fuels deductable
  15. first word is sold, thats what matters, but dont " just let him get on with it " because they wouldn't pay if they broke something, to be honest, youve done well if youve actually sold to them because at my spot these characters despite not being able to find anything wrong [ except there own head] usually walk ! so well done !
  16. as the great arthur daley once said = "a friend in need.............................is a pest ! "
  17. rack ends, gear linkages, springs...................
  18. budget = 'From 1 April 2019 VED rates for cars, vans and motorcycles will increase in line with RPI.'
  19. update from hm = To provide upfront support through the business rates system, the government is cutting bills by one-third for retail properties with a rateable value below £51,000, benefiting up to 90% of retail properties, for 2 years from April 2019,