have a word with the wife

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Everything posted by have a word with the wife

  1. borrow a vacum gauge, gauge slowly reading down indicates a blocked exhaust or a fault in the cat BUT a blocked exhaust would not give a misfire, not used jump pack have you ?
  2. what is this ? as i suggested / asked earlier, have you changed the map sensor ? why ? because the vacum control valve is NOT the map sensor ...........
  3. smoke colour black or blue ? why haven't you changed the map sensor ? there will be a misfire if its smoking ? they dont have a egr
  4. Not paid hearing fess claim of £2000 would be £170, to be paid before hearing, so, why has he not paid this? my opinion is, he thought his case was weak, he knows you have documented evidence in regard the glow plug/s and other evidence in your defence of this case, and so, backed down. its very unfortunate that you offered refund in that space, these things happpen, so, he has reapplied, and its been struck out, excellent ! i honestly believe its been struck out because the courts believe he has no chance of winning, they dont strike it out for nothing ! See him in court, and tell him so, you have further evidence this vehicle you have not been allowed to inspect, there was no key, the garage aren't helpful, and remind him and the courts this case has been struck out twice quoting the claim number and = part 27 of the small claims track= 27.6 (b) to enable it to dispose of the claim on the basis that one or other of the parties has no real prospect of success at a final hearing. 27.6 [c] to enable it to strike out(GL) a statement of case or part of a statement of case on the basis that the statement of case, or the part to be struck out, discloses no reasonable grounds for bringing or defending the claim.
  5. Had a bloke with a big white beard call in today, perusing the stock, walking round kicking the tyres, jolly enough fella, looking for new wheels, apparently his old transport only gets used once a year, but is quite high mileage, he wants good economy as apparently dasher [must be the nickname hes given it ? ] is quite greedy and the emmisions are high, and theres quite a few dents on it, and always overloaded, but he says its only been one owner, but parts are getting hard to come by, but it apparently still flys along, to be honest i think he was pissed, his nose was glowing a very bright red, reckons he will come back with the wife tomorrow to look at that seven seater, i think he is trouble, wanting too much, i mean, if it all went cra, who would win ? me....................or ....................santa?
  6. happy holidays ? very modern [ in a alan bennet voice] MERRY XMAS
  7. i can see where your coming from, but hes not trying to tax it is he ? the green slip is NEW KEEPER .
  8. you should have given him the trade slip ? filled your details in ? thats his responsibility, if he doesnt inform them, so, assuming its "in trade" think about this one everybody, how can you tax a vehicle thats "in trade" ? looking at it from dvlas point of view "in trade" means just that, only moved or demonstrated on trade plates, the law is quite simple, and clear , a vehicle must be registered to a keeper, unless " in trade" ive gone through this before, you cannot tax a car thats "in trade" you cannot tax a "in trade" car, by doing so, is promoting roadside traders to be more competitive than you and curtail the law. the systems we have got is excellent, and it works, my post office used to have a allocated lot of tax discs , and some months, they used to run out ! meaning going to another post office ! and i dont want it changing by people trying to short circuit the system, either play by the rules, or, if caught, you will be fined , and could have your trade plates taken off you for a taxation offence, etc etc
  9. and wait for the fine and the parking tickets and the knock on the door at 3 in morning cos its knocked someone over
  10. We've sold a Polo a few weeks back, advertised with a picture of "Bluetooth- audio source on". he says.
  11. no don't bother, bright sunshine and healthy looking green grass in the background will make no difference to your sales whatsoever, put your feet up and have another cuppa.
  12. If you had taken a picture of the tyres, and those tyres werent the ones you sold the car with then they have reason to moan, you put a pic of bluetooth and its exactly the same thing, sorry but i believe you need to put this right as cheaply as possible with a smiley explaination.
  13. Reading again the 1st post about this "cazoo" there is no detail as to what he is actually doing, other than blowing his own trumpet on past glories, the only thing i can pick out is = customers will be able to buy, finance or rent a used car online and have it delivered it their door within 48 hours. without detail on this bold quote its impossible to say "it will work 100%". So i stick by my above quote .
  14. i think you should know this already , clearly not done your homework on ev, i, would have been on the phone to dealers long before buying with serious questions !
  15. half an hour with a tornado and a dash of silicone bobs your grandad
  16. tesco couldnt get stock [ the RIGHT stock] and they had clubcard ! virgin cars had the hippies face sorry, i mean branson face [ never trust a hippy] and that failed. who is this face and whats the usp? who is achoo? [ bless you] i mean cazoo? bottom line , you cant get the stock................not the RIGHT stock
  17. i had to have Wednesday off due to using tfr in a confined space, terrible stuff but cheap