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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    That’s all it needs so I’m unsure why you’re unhappy. So what? Advisories are a pass. Sorry but I don’t understand what you & DCS01 think is so wrong. It’s a 17yr old car that’s only failed on 2 bits of welding almost 5 months, 700 miles & the season of WINTER. Tbh without knowing the type of car, reg etc. we’re all in the dark anyway. Do you really class a bit of welding & a splash of Underseal as too much of a spend?
  2. 1 point
    MOTs are very hit and miss whether they are dodgy or not. You could take any car to ten different MOT stations and I guarantee you will get very different reports.
  3. 1 point
    I differ totally to TRADE SURVIVOR. MOT complaints are heard for the first month, or 3 months for corrosion. Something like almost 5 months have now passed, don’t waste your phone call because they will not be interested. We all know there are MOTs & there are MOTs, sometimes looking at the mileage since MOT, tax end date can give you a clue there’s a tale, sometimes not. All it’s failed on are a couple of bits of welding. The rest are advisories so all you are really complaining about are the failures & I’m afraid holes in end-of-life cars can, and do, appear in the space of 4 to 5 months. Expecting a 16/17year old car to fly through an MOT suggests your a ‘glass half full’ type of person. I repeatedly hear the trade say ‘it passed its last MOT with flying colours so it should be ok this time’ . I deal in a bit of old shite & old cars do NOT fly through MOT after MOT without a bit of hand/wallet interaction.
  4. 1 point
    I must be a greedy type lol Customer just told me this week that she thought £160 was quite sufficient profit out of her PX , I asked what she wanted . £2,000 she said lol because I know what you will sell it for . Whats that then ?, £40 advert and you will easy get £2,200 Lady your a genius i told her , but what about Valet , Service , Two tyres , MOT , VAT , £20 of fuel , Advertising , Wages , Running costs , warranty costs . Then the hassle of selling your pile of un loved scrap " You have all these cars to pay that she utters " Lady your car is valued at £ 500 end of thanks for coming . Bye . She left and came back two hours later , I've sold my car to my niece for £500 what discount can i get now . NOTHING sorry I sold the car 30 mins after you left . ____________________________________________________________________________ We have it all wrong , £143 is plenty , Bread and water Chaps , Porridge on Sundays .