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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    One door closes another one opens.If BCA and Manheim go online only that might be good news for the smaller Independent Auctions.Once Main Dealer groups work out they will get more for older stuff from physical auctions,they will use the Independents.There is no way I would risk buying 10 year old stuff online based on their rules regarding descriptions.You might get them knocked down cheaper but I suspect you might be spending a lot of your time negotiating for partial refunds.I would prefer to see them,hear them and smell them and pay less in buyers fees.
  2. 1 point
    Online only still. I wish I bought from BCA! Online has been a Godsend as far as I’m concerned. Shit cars with obvious faults bounced back at the auction houses for misrepresentation OR good money credited back. I’ve never had it so good. I think it’s a shame auction houses all seem to be reopening. An opportunity missed to revolutionise the trade into an efficient Japanese-style auction system with cast-iron (supposedly) appraisals . The majority of auctions can’t wait to let us back in through the doors to put the onus back onto us buyers. Believe me, the likes of Manheim want to take their £3-500 a bonnet with absolutely f.a. responsibilities.
  3. 1 point
    WOW !!!! 2019 Flood damaged porsche, i have got t hear how this all ends up