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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    This young guy just arrived from over 100 miles away , no call , just turned up . rang the number on our door , " Hi I'm outside come to see the Golf you have " So we lets him in , there's the car , he wants to test drive it . Need a deal setting up first my friend I say , as hes mentioned a PX outside . 56 Plate 112,000 miles Zetec S in white , Bit Rare he goes so don't look at yer values on this one , I want decent money for it . " Wont be buying the Golf then one thinks " HPI /Experian reveals his car was born BLUE then changed to WHITE in 2010 , Its also got 14 previous owners , all odd tyres at 2mm , MATT Paint , Wrapped Bonnet , Kerbed wheels No History , says hes had 3 years but he'd had it March 2020 . What do want for it then i says 3k mate he goes I printed CAP and autotrader out for him £270 & £295 came out , so how do you value it 3k then , Cos i need that for the deposit on finance . Its not how it works though , tried explaining but he didn't actually get it , had zero concept that his car had a value based on ,condition , service history ,Provenance age and miles . He argued the fact that he wanted 3k for it based on the requirement of a deposit to get the payments down to what he could afford . Plus he had driven 100 + miles to get the golf . But you cant afford it I say based on what i can give you for the Fiesta . Its not rare , its been to friendly with to many owners , its not been serviced , its changed colour , it wants scrapping . Go sell it yourself . "Tried mate no one rang bout it " mmmmm wonder why Whats best you can do on my car then he asks now realising the reality of the valuation system . £50 i say his mate says that's what that other guy said Hes gone to sell it himself , rare cars those old school Zetec S 's , be zero tread on tyres now as he wheel spun down the road They have NO Clue nowdays at all , I remember being 11 yrs old and knowing cars had values based on condition .
  2. 1 point
    Natural causes?!!!! Or just one Christmas too many?
  3. 1 point
    The days of main dealer stock being prepped to the hilt are long gone & they aren’t afraid to sell cars with Stevie Wonder paintwork repairs. Tbh many of them can’t even be arsed to wash off a car for punters with an appointment. I was at a Renault dealer the other week & they were showing punters a car jammed in round the back in the compound - I overheard the Mrs say she couldn’t really see the car properly .
  4. 1 point
    My in-laws are dead so I don’t have that problem.
  5. 1 point
    They don't understand though the concept we have to earn a profit do they . I ask what would happen to their wages if their boss at work failed to make a profit I'm pretty sure they don't have a clue how it all works half the time .