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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Chineses takeway forum LOL He's waiting for the prices to go UP , he's on our side Mark I've just put two UP £800 last night and got a customer coming tomorrow on one of them , just passed finance prop at the higher price and the deals set for 1pm Friday . This guys waits for November to strike a deal hes going to be handing over more cash to some lucky dealer for a better deal Your not good at this are you Better change your name to " Nevergoingtobeadealer " There's a shortage of good stock my friend , that means only one thing , supply shortage and prices don't go down . Like rice at Chinese takeaways that MarkTVS is on about , Rice Shortage and price goes UP not down . Your not going to change the thoughts of the guys on here with ramblings about price crashes and future discussions about what happens after your down turn predictions , better not try being a car dealer though as your not really in the correct thought patterns , or make decisions quick enough either . Keep doing your day job , not time for a career move just yet . You do make me laugh though over my coffee . so thanks for that .
  2. 1 point
    The lady is an absolute diamond, has and still does care work for old folks as well as a full time job, she does not get paid for the care work. Myself and another local guy have explored a lot of avenues, if anyone knows of a reputable company or person who does this kinda thing then please put me onto them. If her selling is the only option next April then so be it, but right now we are trying to save the 120k + equity she has in it so when she dies her kids at least get something. We have discussed a bunch of options, I know she would, (nearer "D day" which is April 2021), go for a reasonable deal where she lives in it until death, she is realistic, but also proud, a little stubborn and her children, (adults) are very dear to her. I would look at buy to let mortgage, may still do so, but I am 58 now, so that may be an issue IDK I've never looked at Buy to let. What we discussed so far is that right now, any investor gets his £100k worth, a monthly rent of HB rate, and upon death it gets sold, with the investor gaining on any total value increase, so the kids get their 120k split between them upon her death. In other words the Investor gains the 5% on total value at death, for his 100k investment plus the monthly rentals or the investor could BIN for £220k and then has total ownership with tenancy agreement as above. She doesn't want me to discuss this with anyone local, I respect that, but it is a shame as I have a very wealthy customer, a property developer who actually does this sort of thing. Regarding the Coswoof, it was taken by me as a p/ex .............. A mint condition 4x4 2.0 Sapphire, I stripped it to a bare shell and scratch built it from all genuine Cosworth parts, the wheels were aftermarket. Thanks for your advice, and please, if anyone gets time, share the fund raiser on as many platforms as you can
  3. 1 point
    Clio trophy and e46 m3 that I had recently both attracted the worst type of perverts. If I had a tenner for every time someone asked if the boot floor had been reinforced I have 2 x Honda s2000’s due in stock soon I imagine this will be the same!
  4. 1 point
    I took in a ‘delightful’ Category S trade in the other day. A quick sweep out of the filthy interior, threw a bucket of dirty water over its battered exterior, pointed the camera at it & wrote an advert starting “IDIOTS TAKE NOTE!! NO EMAILS!! PHONE ONLY!!” Only 2 people managed to phone but the number of emails beggared belief & the pitifully low quality of questions even more so.