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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Wow - so you think I just give them money and receive nothing in return and don't bother to pour over every single lead that comes in? I invest in what works, if it works well I invest more, if it doesn't I pull away. I conservatively work out that for every £1 i invest Im getting about £8 back and know I can get this higher. Ive used them for the best part of 20 years, with only one ,4 month spell away when someone on here recommended I cancel and try Jim Reids Autovolo, which I did and was the worst decision I ever made, in a normal month it accounts for between 85-90% of all my sales. I couldn't care less about their profit as long as I make a profit from them, thats all that drives me. I monitor religiously where every single enquiry and sale come from, passing traffic, referrals, walk ins dried up from the day we had to shut. did a few deliveries but more by appointments, thats how I know,. My chats, texts, calls and emails returned abut 2-3 weeks ago, I don't just ask where they saw my advert as I only now advertise on one website, yes I have my own by Click Dealer but vast majority of my traffic comes from the adverts on the autotrader. Ive given all of them a fair chance, CarGurus for almost 12 months last year, Motors, eBay, I've fed my stock to all of them. I did get the odd sale but the cost per sale compared to the autotrader was horrific Trust me, for me there is no more cost effective way of generating profitable sales. Ive tried everyone over a long period of time and pound for pound none come close. Do I wish they were cheaper, God yes, do I scream when they put their prices up, no one shouts louder, but the fact is - they work. Ive published on here last year my sales, profit, ROI generated, and for me I can make it work. I know it doesn't for some and good luck in using other websites. i wish you all the best. anyway, Im off home now to catch a little of this sun, been preparing cars all day today, got 6 confirmed appointments tomorrow, all with reservations paid to stop the messers. Good luck all for reopening and hope everyones safe and well
  2. 1 point
    What if I said we had been doing that for nearly 20 years !
  3. 1 point
    went to the fish shop last night wife queued, I stayed in car, she took cash and card just in case they only take cash they have all the gear up/ distancing /in and all the right stickers gave her change I would rather it was card payment only she had no gloves on either apparently so wraps chips/ take money /put money in till /give you someone else's change I won't be going back for some time
  4. 1 point
    Customers expect some form of warranty for sure , its a question they will ask you every time . Depends on the approach to warranty and how its explained , NO One covers wear and tear on a used car So you need to explain that warranty covers a LIST of parts that fail . But all this really does depend on how good you are at mechanical prep before you sell it . We all have to admit that when someone sells a used car and we buy it to resell there is going to be a problem of some sorts to fix before we sell it . So our rule is here , FIX it before its sold , we don't get warranty claims then . Life at that point is easier . Self administered is the way to go from a cost point of view and it helps you remain in control , but you have to know how to handle the situation when or if it arises . A third party warranty will say no to just about everything and then the call comes back to you anyway , Hard choices though because unless you have a workshop its expensive all way round . Golden 3 secrets , PREP PREP PREP before sale
  5. 1 point
    Oh Casper I love those types had one once dressed head to foot in NEW Snap On everything, even bloody gloves , Thought he was a walking advert for them . his mate bought a JAP car off us , he rang up 40 min later shouting about the clutch was CLICKING . Well bring it back then , Twat It was the Air con Pump Clutch unit , you know when it kicks and goes CLICK My son made him look like a complete FOOL
  6. 1 point
    Dont check all the lights and tyre depths as it's been pdi,d moted by the toughest garage in the nearest town (listen to the podcast earlier this week with nick,he uses the same mot station rolls Royce use,so customer ,do you honestly believe they are going to pass my Honda for my benefit if there was anything wrong with it) Dont try negotiating on price when the paperwork is being done it's not big and it's not funny
  7. 1 point
    Another one would be declare known faults on a part exchange would be good id respect there honesty if people did this some do but most don't funny thing is the people who trade in cars with loads of problems are the first ones back with small faults ,
  8. 1 point
    Biggest one for me is BE NICE. Nice, normal, polite people get much further with us (buying or even when a car has issues). A buyer is as much selected by us the seller as them selecting our car. If they don’t pass the test, they won’t get anywhere and we don’t have to sell to them as much as they don’t have to buy from us. Cash is not a help to us, neither is no PX or no finance deal, so it won’t secure a better deal.
  9. 1 point
    I have a simple one, not just for car sales but for life in general and it seems to have served me well over the years Treat everyone, how you would expect to be treated
  10. 1 point
    I advise all my customers and potential customers that the price is fixed (I do very occassionally knock a very small amount off but it is rare). Instead, I say my cars ALL come with: New, advisory free MOT whether it has 364 days or 1 day remaining, it gets done. A minimum of an interim service, whether due or not so we know the correct grade of oil and all other levels are right. 3 Months meaningful warranty that covers everything except tyres. A proper PDI, where we check all the things not included in an MOT such as radio, bluetooth, interior lights, air con, locking wheel nut, servicable spare wheel etc. All this comes at a cost. You are buying a car that shouldn't need anything done until the next MOT and Service in 12 months time. On the rare occassion the car fails within the first 3 months, I will fix it, no quibble. All that comes at a price Sir/Madam and that in my opinion is worth far more than £50-200 off at the front end. Please read my reviews and decide for yourself whether my car really is too expensive, consider the cost of ownership. Sensible people agree, the rest can shop elsewhere.