All your figures maybe accurate, but they are not really applicable here as we have movement restrictions in place, which for the moment we can all agree is the correct thing to do.
Trump says anything that comes into his mind, I am not defending him.
One thing I hate is the use of the phrase 'lockdown'. This is not a 'lockdown'.
You are correct, this is not comparable to smoking as smoking is killing many more people every day.
The death rate halved yesterday, I am sure it will rise again today, and continue to rise over the next couple of weeks, but the massive problem with this virus is the fact that anyone who ends up in hospital needs help to breathe and we are short of machines that help this.
I'm not saying this isn't serious, but consider this.
My Mother-In-Law is in her 80s, she only stopped smoking when she was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. She is not being treated for her cancer. If she contracts this virus, she will undoubtedly die, it is unlikely that the NHS will even try to treat her because of her condition. The press will say that the virus killed her. Did it?
Things like obesity and smoking are major factors in the outcome of this, is Piers Morgan banging on about us all getting fit?