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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    As much as it will have an impact on business it’s the right thing to do. In the prime ministers speech last night he should have said UK I am dissapointed in you. Stay the fuck inside.
  2. 1 point
    Did you see those ‘gimps’ at Brighton seafront? And apparently Snowdonia was rammed! All those middle managers that should be ‘working from home’?
  3. 1 point
    I think you mean the Bit Of Flash For Not Much Cash market. I wouldn’t know about newer stock but I can certainly see that on older stock. I wonder if the big petrol market will have a resurgence. Not everyone is a greedy bastard interested in eeking out every last MPG and wanting £30 road tax. They don’t do too many miles, realise £5K buys a nice £50K car (new price) & have a few grand burning a hole in their pocket. At this end many of them will also have had a belly full of oil burners with their various problems & will welcome a petrol with open arms. It’s just a shame most executive metal over the last decade has had Rudolf Diesel’s creation under the bonnet.
  4. 1 point
    my neighbours are elderly and in isolation,they have family, [who live 3 mile away ]so foods ok, and i have been in contact every 3 to 4 days to see if they need anything, one thing i noticed today was there family removing [household] rubbish for them down the road to there allocated wheely bin, made me think, so i contacted them and told them to leave rubbish outside there door, and i would shift it daily to save them storing it till family comes, i guess every little helps.
  5. 1 point
    Interesting how we have two threads, one showing what we are doing for our community and the other showing how our community are doing us!
  6. 1 point
    Open. 6 calls / emails during the week. 1 Came loved the car, left a deposit, then changed their mind in light of "everything" 1 made an appointment then called to cancel in light of "everything" 1 turned up AND was instantly approved by the finance company but could not find a way to pay the £3000 negative equity on their part-ex so no deal 1 more made an appointment then called to cancel in light of what "Boris just said" 1 call from Zuto on a car that was sold 10 days ago in another deal through them. Offered a similar to their customer. Fingers crossed. 1 is on the way right now on Sat late afternoon.