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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    You are the sort of mechanic I like to deal with.
  2. 1 point
    I have probably done at least 30 of these. The OE cambelt kits from TPS come with a new stud. I always replace the stud. Part of the problem is the torque setting which iIRC is 40nm+45deg, which is a lot on 8mm. You don't what it was tightened to in the past so you don't know the metallurgical condition of the stud. Any sign of sideways movement with the threads in the head and I tap out to 10mm and fit the M10xM8x73 stepped stud - IIRC its N 909 055 02 from TPS at £3. Make sure the 10mm step is just below the surface of the head - if its not then the tensioner can foul. I have not yet had an engine come back. On the other hand we have had breakdowns come in with snapped and damaged studs after belt changes done at other repairers. I also take the time to set the torsion to as near to 0.0 as possible - a lot of repairers are in too much of a rush to finish the job properly.
  3. 1 point
    Ha Ha ,I didn’t mean LPG was bullshit,I was referring to John Prescott ! 100,000 taxis in Bangkok ! but how many go south of the river ? Enjoy . Being good at mending them must be awfull.Loads of work at £150 per hour.
  4. 1 point
    Buying Rangies and Minis? Good that you are a mechanic! Set youself up as a LR/RR and Mini repair specialist and you'll never be short of work!
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    For God’s sake please don’t expect to turn over 4 out of 7 every week, because you won’t. I can have 20 & can sell sweet f.a. in a week. Also out of about 20 I can have in 7 waiting (from the block, valeters, MOT, specialist, mechanic etc. etc.). My guess is you’ve yet to be caught by a couple of shitters & had a few four figure financial hits - when you do (and you will!) & still want to do this then you know you’re cut out for the job. You sound like you’ve put some thought into this and you’re starting from a similar point to me about 15 years ago. My advice to anyone thinking of packing up a job would be to get a couple of years really learning this job (auction trends & the general public are the main points) and make sure you can at least earn a wage. I was fortunate in that I’d accrued a pot of money & didn’t have much of a mortgage. I don’t know your personal circumstances (and they’re none of my business) but how much money you have in the bank, family commitments & how much, if any, debt you carry would influence my decision because I’d hate to see someone new to any business struggle & end up homeless. After saying all that I wouldn’t go back to being a PAYE man & there is money to be made if you’re prepared to work. One final thing, don’t believe all of the Billy Bullshitters you’re going to meet in this game. Good luck!
  7. 1 point
    I would say they are bombproof I love them mine has 165k I kick the shit out of it most days and it had only ever cost me general servicing and a starter motor, mine is mapped aswell so about 180bhp. Proved to be more reliable than my r8 when I had it.
  8. 1 point
    Get a website. Its 2020. Not having one is harming you a lot and you can't see it. You could even suggest customers visit your website to see even more of your high quality adverts you mention in your own format because you are in control of them. A lot of people when they see you on Autotrader / Ebay / Facebook etc google search your business to find your website to get an impression of you as a business, see what google has to say about you etc.
  9. 1 point
    Wrong, you use advertising mediums to direct your customers to your website. Your website is your platform to sell YOU and YOUR business.
  10. 1 point
    There was a lovely quote on here from someone many years ago. "When it's sunny my lender wants to lend me an umbrella, when it's raining he wants to take it away".