Its definitely a narrow market, the buyer is going to be 60 plus, originally from the home counties and with a wife that doesn't get out of the car until summoned! (what's not to like!)
I used to think "no-way" when I saw the prices of Auto CR-V's, but stuck my neck out and bought one and it sold. Have one here now that's a bit sticky, but it will go.
Of course with a narrow market, you have narrow demand, but narrow supply. They wont have many to go look at, so its buy yours or wait another month for one to come along.
I personally don't do very well with "bread and butter" cars. There will always be a private seller within 10 miles under cutting your £3000 Fiesta by a grand. When you aim at the lower end of the market, buyers are particularly price sensitive and will drop their drawers to save £50, apparently...……...