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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/19 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Exactly this happened to us a few months ago, I asked someone to check the laptop to see how many lots away Enfield was from the car we wanted, I'd left the cursor in the middle of the screen, accidentally over the bid button, one slight movement of the trackpad and a click to wake the laptop up and we were highest bidder on a dog of an Audi tdi estate in ukcgr! Reserve met it was a tense few seconds until thankfully someone out bid us! The car was about the polar opposite to what we normally stock!
  2. 2 points
    I suspect what has happened is someone has been adjusting the volume on their computer and accidently bid for a couple of cars by accident and then not gone to pick them up. Easy done.
  3. 2 points
    I meant watch an identical car from say a main ford dealer with direct from such and such on the window will always in most cases do silly money compared to a private car or independent trader car at auction but in reality may be no better . I put an old C4 diesel in fsh 120 k miles tidy enough with good mot 2 previous owners px at the time did £800 an identical model car apart from was mine was blue it was silver and silver one 6 months older 150k no history and 4 previous owners did £1250 due to being a main agent trade in
  4. 2 points
    Ive always been that way try to help and please everyone sometimes its actually a weakness cause you never can thats how I got the name casper as i take flowers to the graveyard for a neighbour for her husbands grave who is no longer fit to go one off the lads started calling me it and it stuck although I've been known to blow the odd gasket or go ape at the odd mechanic or painter/panel beater in my time.one thing I hate is rushing sub standard work or its doesn't need that cover I lost it one day with one for not refitting an engine cover leaving it on a workshop floor . but is mostly decent people on here so I always try to be nice friendly and polite with the ladies and gentleman on here Ive my old dad to thank for thats who said when we were kids manners cost nothing and treat people as you expect to be treated another one he said was if someone gives you advice always take it if its good enough use it if it doesn't work go back to doing it your way . he sadly getting older by the day and not as fit as he once was everyone offers good advice here and I try to do my bit good luck to all
  5. 1 point
    Very common some times they even call you asking if your still interested .
  6. 1 point
    Went to Manheim twice earlier this year then gave up with them. Prices were horrific.
  7. 1 point
    So that is your car that the OP has bought by mistake. Would you expect him to honour it? Would you be expect BCA to honour it? Of course you would. There are pros and cons of internet buying, if you can't deal with the cons then best not bother.
  8. 1 point
    I started off with salvage cars but as you say was ending up spending more on them than they going through BCA still have 3 i cant shift. Might keep one as a courtesy car tbh.
  9. 1 point
    What is Cap at the moment though? To me cap clean tends to be the starting point for the bids to begin at. I never price to cap retail Buy as cheap as you can, sell as high as you can repeat.
  10. 1 point
    Constantly got to be on the look out for that.
  11. 1 point
    This was not a punters trick but a salesman’s incompetence and it was me.This guy was looking to upgrade his light blue metallic C Class Coupe.( not many in light blue )So I valued it and off he went.A few days later I am talking to another punter and I see a light blue C Class Coupe parking up in the same spot over the road.The guy comes in and I say ‘ you have come back for that Merc then and he says yes ‘.So I write the deal down for him and he says,thank you can I pay for it now please.I then pass it over to a salesman and go back to speaking to someone else.Our sales guy comes out and interrupts and says ‘ are you sure about this deal’ and I just say ‘ just get it done’.A few days later I am down country at the block and I get a call saying that the Merc has gone out and that the punter must be a good friend ! The swapper was 3 years older than the one I had valued and it was a different punter buying the same car. I can’t remember how much we blew on it but it was in stock a long time and had a birthday......Appologies if I have mentioned this one before.
  12. 1 point
    Back on topic now. Andy I think you're mistaken as ALL customers are completely honest and never do what you're suggesting, and it's a proven fact that consumers suffer from a condition similar to Alzheimer's when presented with nice new shiny car to buy. It causes them to forget that when they started their diesel car this morning from cold it smoked more than a Mamasan at a cheap Thai brothel. The favorite one at the moment would appear to be switching the EML light off just round the corner before bringing their car in, with the device they bought on Ebay for £15.
  13. 1 point
    To be fair, in this instance she was right, it really was squeaking. Although she did say it was undrivable, a bit of an exaggeration. All sorted now...…..famous last words!
  14. 1 point
    Couldnt call it either way tbh there was loads of hot spots and literally no material left. He did say he was having trouble on the way up with some of the steep hills with the clutch slipping. Id lean towards done on purpose but honestly i don't car anymore.
  15. 1 point
    Aston Barclay last night was absolutely eye watering, some cars were going £1000 over cap clean..... I went to the cafe and ate shepherds pie and beans. It was the highlight of my night