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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I really hope you come out of this well , I seriously do . But a few questions spring in my mind . 1 ;; Why sell a car that wants a service ? bad idea in my head as your just waiting for another garage to get stuck into your wallet . 2; Same as above with the brake pads isn't it , why not change them when doing the PDI ? 2,000 miles in a performance car can be as low as 200 miles in a lunatics hands , especially when he's first let loose in his new 250 bhp car . 3 ;; £1,000 off the car as a discount for £60 worth of oil and filter and four brake pads , 4 ;;Did the car get inspected in your own workshop on a ramp so as to be positive the gearbox wasn't losing oil ? As I said i really hope you come out on top , but performance cars in the wrong hands that's not FULLY prepped and totally sure about is a route to disaster in my mind , we sell some meaty powerful stuff on one side of our business and they are prepped to death, serviced , nut and bolted , driven 100 miles , back in workshop and checked again . Ramp time is no less than 8 hours for each car . Its amazing what we find that's been done wrong , cheap parts , not tightened up , missing , leaking , and the rest . All the best .
  2. 1 point
    Since you have offered your own warranty best to get this one fixed back at yours. On the advice of not driving it further causing more damage is going to be a difficult one in court. You could inspect and ask the customer for a contribution to it but again it’s really on the fence as the problem has happened very quickly pre 30 days. Im sure your pdi ramp check is there but no matter how much of a rush a customer is in they will be pain if something goes wrong for sure. Customers are customers. Personally don’t let the car leave until it has a full service, pads etc. The oil leaking could have happened after he ragged it or the box was on its way out anyway so it’s hard to say. Take a pill on this one buddy. Chin up and Best of luck.
  3. 1 point
    £1000 off because the pads are low? It sounds like youre selling nearly new stuff, this should be done before it goes out at that age and price range, as should a service, that way you can command the asking price. Mapped cars will surely attract someone likely to use the performance to the full and if the launch control is there, he's within his rights to use it assuming its safe to do so. The car will prevent more launch controls than it can cope with itself (unless the map change over rides that function) so whether you can get that info or not is fairly irrelevant. How will this go in front of a magistrate? Well the fault occurred within a couple of weeks of purchase, I think that will be your issue. He may be forced to pay a little if he has ignored the 'dont drive it ' advice, but other than that i've a feeling this is down to you
  4. 1 point
    We've had a few of those types Casper One particular girl who had been bought a 1yr old C1 by her Grandad was apparentley the wrong colour for her , Being a dark grey with red trim and only 16,000 miles i felt i had to agree with her really , She wanted a white car and our sticky 4yr old 40,000 mile 1 litre white Corsa was sat winking at her in its white gleaming coat So she was offered a few shillings for her C1 as it looked so bad in Grey and red with Sat Nav , blue tooth , Air con and took the Corsa , Said "daddy I'm having this one so go and pay for it" No please thankyou He just curled up and said she is spoilt Spoilt, my god if she was mine she'd be working in a salt mine now learning about life .
  5. 1 point
    Also those with Rds rich daddy syndrome ..
  6. 1 point
    Old milfs, gilfs and grandads are loaded and will only buy cash. The spoilt brats of the above may be given a handout too Everyone else falls into "lend us a tenner" group
  7. 1 point
    Fishy to me... Get that done for less than £200 depending on service type. With plenty of gsf codes at 60% Hmm
  8. 1 point
    You have got to ask yourself is it worth the head ache? Problem having occurred very early after purchase and him not been supplied with a courtesy car to use if he depends on it for work will all work in their favor
  9. 1 point
    What is the exact make and model? Year? Mileage? A grand off for a service and pads sounds a bit generous/desperate to me.