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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Hi. Stick to what you are doing Hargy.You are under the radar.Little costs,no VAT or premises and £45k day job.Try and do 2 or 3 per month from home I would say.There are plenty of car dealers out there with pitches,staff and debt to service who would love to be in your position.See what the others advise ?
  2. 1 point
    if you have sold 20 cars and not had a single problem you dont sound amateurish for sure.
  3. 1 point
    This is oooooooh soooooooo true !!
  4. 1 point
    I would stay on the current path for a year see what you make on the side then go from there, would giving the cars your full time attention bring you in the same money or more, i am quite unique in the car sales world as we run various side lines and quite often the car sales comes in last for net profit, but demands the most attention almost every month.
  5. 1 point
    This Especially at quiet times
  6. 1 point
    ...Whatever you make has to be worth your outlay, effort and risk.
  7. 1 point
    Is paying for warranties worth it? Sadly, many used car warranties do not live up to the 'peace of mind' they first promised. And unfortunately, when your customer becomes dissatisfied with their warranty it reflects badly on you and your car sales business. As a vehicle retailer you have Consumer Rights Act duties and the warranty, which should enhance basic customer rights, often has less customer rights than are automatically there when a vehicle is sold. We talk to car dealers every week that view warranties as their ‘own protection’ and often turn customers with problems away, hiding behind the warranty and refusing a customer claim. Your customers' legal rights cannot be restricted by the warranty and they can always potentially claim for compensation arising from the breakdown of a component that has failed. For instance, a failed timing belt often leads to a serious engine failure and a failed cylinder head gasket can lead to a 'cooked' engine. There may be a charge for recovery or vehicle hire and, in some cases, the consequential loss may extend to an overnight stay in a hotel. Unfortunately, you could be liable for all of this and much more! So, are warranties worth it? Sell 100 quality used cars to 100 customers and include a six month warranty. 90% of your customers will probably never have an issue with the car. They will be pleased with their purchase and happy with the warranty. However, the remaining 10% will probably have an issue and try to make a claim under the warranty. The challenge is to make these 10 customers very happy with the warranty. Warranty claims are all about customer issues. If a warranty claim is handled incorrectly the customers issue can quickly develop into a complaint. If your warranty fails to deal with a customer’s issue then it is not worth the paper it is written on! Of course, not every claim will be valid, and many customer demands can be unreasonable. The warranty should offer an alternative solution and help your customer understand what is legally reasonable... which does not mean paying out on every claim. Unfortunately making a claim under a warranty can be frustrating for a customer and feel like they are hitting a brick wall. With so many exclusions, terms and conditions the customer will have no other option but to call you (the supplying dealer). If customers' issues are landing on your doorstep then your warranty is not worth the paper it is written on! At Lawgistics we regard warranties as a defence mechanism not 'customer peace of mind'. The customer has peace of mind under the Consumer Rights Act and the warranty simply provides a set of instructions on how to make a claim if there is a problem. So, in theory, if the warranty deals with your customer issues successfully you should end up with 100% customer satisfaction. It does not matter if you use insurance warranties, a pot scheme or your own booklets, if your warranty deals with your customer issues at a cost you are happy with, then it is worth every penny.