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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    LOL, yeah I knew that, but I honestly hadn't given it a thought I know ignorance is no excuse, and I know I would've got done, I just got lucky. Throughout my life I have taken the piss against authority where I could, but these days I do my best not to, as I am old enough now to know to quit while I'm ahead That's why I'm not taking the 3.5 tonner to Glasgow to pick up an 1855 kg S Class next weekend, the Car is sat on it's bump stops right now, so un driveable. I know the Sprinter would carry it OK, but I don't need the potential hassle of getting tugged, impounded, fined etc etc My buddy who owns that steel bodied Sprinter carries a fuckin great V8 powered Drift Car on it every weekend, with loads of wheels and spares etc and has never got tugged I'm gonna drive down there next Saturday in my Workshop Van, (kitted out), then I'll do a good temporary repair on it's Air Suspension pipe, and give it a once over, make sure it'll do the 120 miles, then I'll come home and get a lift down the following w/e and drive it back I'll quite enjoy the adventure and meeting new people in our trade, I don't venture outta our little hamlet that often these days
  2. 1 point
    Sign affidadvit confirming the vehicle was not involved in an accident.
  3. 1 point
    CCTV from your forecourt, a signed statement from one of your staff or a neighbouring business or similar in addition to the mileage readings should suffice. Good luck with it.
  4. 1 point
    I had this years ago, get this stated categorically to the insurer by letter, recorded and first class post, (send 2 identical letters), then legally they "have been served" Agree with Nick, another similar Car, someone has written the number down wrong, typo etc etc, but fact is once it's "in the system" etc etc it can be an absolute nightmare
  5. 1 point
    This could've been a case of a similar reg number on a completely different vehicle of the same make and model and supplying dealer. Just tell your insurer you were not involved in the accident, you car wasn't there on the day and show them proof of the purchase mileage, MOT mileage and sale mileage that show that the car hasn't travelled the alleged hundreds of miles.
  6. 1 point
    After more threats of trading standards this morning including that she has set up a case against me, more of the 'my cousin is a solicitor and she will.....' etc etc, I just kept stating that I believed that I was correct in offering to repair the fault and didn't deviate from that. I got a bit closer to the truth as the morning went on, with this comment from here - 'I'd just prefer the full refund so I can buy another car that will be more suitable'. I think she shot herself in the foot there. Anyway Ive just had a message (much shorter than the previous ones) saying 'yes you can repair the fault'. Followed by a 'and you'll be paying for this because I'm not' - that in response to me saying yes, we'll repair it free of charge under the warranty. There's me thinking that free of charge was a simple concept to understand. Brickhead. Thanks for all comments and hopefully that'll be the end of it.
  7. 1 point
    Citizens advice! A part time scout leader doing his bit for the community, trained up by someone who knows less about the law than most on here. I’d rather ask my cat for advice than the CAB. I don’t have a cat.
  8. 1 point
    Not brilliant but could of sold 1 today but fobbed them off sounded like some dodgy pikey lads just told them cars getting valeted and won't be ready until sunday