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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Being on vosa's front door so to speak its a nightmare unless its to the letter of the law, plus for me time is money so delivery is our only option.
  2. 1 point
    I called our rep yesterday and asked to have this taken off our account as a couple of our cars were showing a mileage discrepancy. He called in today and I asked him to show me how I can do normal paid for checks like we used to, he called the office for advice and was told it is no longer possible. They will remove all options to check a vehicle if you choose to opt out. Not a problem as we have an HPi account but surely a bit silly on their part. He was fuming and reckons they didn't think it through or trial it properly before launch. Now who'd have thought such a thing.
  3. 1 point
    Don't think your mad, however this is a hard industry that is changing daily if I had my time again the car game is not where I would put my time effort and dollars. I also started off as a car nut now cars have turned me nuts.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Film it as it's collected, and every step of the way is my advice ................ Someone has clued this split arse up !! My money is on sabotage !!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Hi Steve Noting you are in mergers and acquisitions.Why not just buy an established freehold dealership and turn it round,sub divide it etc.There are opportunities everywhere of people wanting to escape this job because they are heavily in debt and their business has hit the buffers.Motor trade premises are not that expensive to buy.
  9. 1 point
    Trying AT for a few months, can't see the fuss at the moment. eBay is outperforming it on the sub £4k stuff we sell. AT's answer.... YOU'RE TOO EXPENSIVE. Well clearly not since eBay is shifting it. Maybe we don't sell them for dirt money but ours are properly prepped. But that counts for nothing clearly. I'll make a thread in a few months with my findings. As for a price increase... it's expensive enough!
  10. 1 point
    After more threats of trading standards this morning including that she has set up a case against me, more of the 'my cousin is a solicitor and she will.....' etc etc, I just kept stating that I believed that I was correct in offering to repair the fault and didn't deviate from that. I got a bit closer to the truth as the morning went on, with this comment from here - 'I'd just prefer the full refund so I can buy another car that will be more suitable'. I think she shot herself in the foot there. Anyway Ive just had a message (much shorter than the previous ones) saying 'yes you can repair the fault'. Followed by a 'and you'll be paying for this because I'm not' - that in response to me saying yes, we'll repair it free of charge under the warranty. There's me thinking that free of charge was a simple concept to understand. Brickhead. Thanks for all comments and hopefully that'll be the end of it.
  11. 1 point
    That is one of those horrible codes that could be a heap of things .............. It is telling you there is an anomaly with Fuel Pressure metering / regulation .................. Filter is cheapest and first thing to do !! After that, live data for Fuel Pressure, if it's low then check Injector Leak off, (spill test), if OK, Pressure regulator or Pump HTH,
  12. 1 point
    I sold mine because it just takes too long out of the business. BCA charge me £60 from their local sites, Manheim £65 (single units, less if multiple). No queuing at the key office, no dirty ratchet straps, no missing calls etc. There has been a couple of occasions when I could do with one but there is always a work around.