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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. 2 points
    We will be fine leaving the EU . Whole wide world out there just like before we joined the common mkt . Only reason loads of MP's want to derail the process is they have their wallets filled from EU deals we know nothing about . They are all corrupt and we know nothing . If we get the other dope as PM though just Panic and I mean PANIC Imagine Corbyn and Abbott in charge OMG You will want locks on your wallets then
  3. 2 points
    Well not so much 'jumped ship' as stepped back into the shadows. Where they will reappear in the future like vultures? Especially wIth scarey guys like 'rees-mogg'? I didn't vote leave, but if thats what people want we'll have to make the best of it. I still have to live here, look after my family and my business. I hope it works out, i think there could be tough times ahead for very little gain. Blue passports?
  4. 1 point
    If the economy 'tanks' and we have loads on the dole, who buys the cars?
  5. 1 point
    Hi everyone, I am the content writer for a motoring website; for which I have been working on a recent article around the biggest Italian car manufacturers, their origins and what makes them different. My aim was to make the article fun, interesting and engaging. I was, therefore, hoping to gain some thoughts and feedback from motoring enthusiasts, such as those in this forum community. The article is posted here: https://carleasespecialoffers.co.uk/blog/2018/12/14/top-5-italian-car-brands Your thoughts and feedback welcome. Kind regards, Craig
  6. 1 point
    Is no one else worried? I wasn't until I heard that if we exit without a deal, the economy will collapse. And I'm not rolling in it to take advantage of a collapsed economy. If I had a few hundred thousand in the bank I'd be sleeping easy, deal or no deal.
  7. 1 point
    Hi Nicoletta. Excuse my sighs also and I’m struggling to answer another newbie one, but we do get a lot of this. What is your handover paperwork like? Pdi, New Mot etc? Any warranty paperwork? What did they sign for? You may be better off joining Lawgistics -invaluable in this circumstance but look up ‘fair useage’ maybe. Mini is a dreadful product at that age and chains are common The customer has to take care of ’their car’ and fair wear and tear is not covered it good luck with that! A good mechanic would have repaired the broken dipstick and you do have a right to inspect. what do you mean ‘you sold the car unfit for purpose’? How exactly did you do this? That’s about all I can contribute on a busy wet Wednesday.
  8. 1 point
    Until the Chinese copy it? I still don't understand exactly what we are going to sell to the Asian market that they can't make themselves cheaper and quicker? It's my understanding that we only make world class HiFi and F1 components, which is great if you live around Oxfordshire, but I can't see that feeding the nation? Thatcher went to war with the unions back in the 80s, and just cut off huge swathes of the country like dead wood, leaving London to generate the nations wealth through finance, and we all know how that turned out? Yeah, but you only voted to leave, not how it was going to happen, or how it would work? I hear 'leave means leave' but it is a little naiive not to expect some negotiation. Because they didn't know then and don't know now. It's easy to feel there is a conspiracy going on, but our 'finance people' are world class, and if they are struggling who can solve it. I think there are some sinister characters on both sides sitting ready to take advantage a no deal Brexit. Walking us off the cliff like lemmings.
  9. 1 point
    Bloody Rude in my book. No introduction, no hi guys I would be really grateful if you could help... Boils my piss when newbies expect us to give up our time to help them when there’s not even a please or thank you.
  10. 1 point
    I meant maybe a real company name or a location or even just "Hi, my name is Daniel (for example) a dealer from the Midlands and I have a small problem with a customer that I would love some help with..." Even that would've been enough.
  11. 1 point
    Yes, and most of those are "Foreign Cars" or now owned by foreign companies, there was almost double that number registered in UK in 2017 !! Of course we still build a few of our own Cars, but the point is still valid, out of all the original factories we had, large and small Mfrs there are very few left, instead for example we have the likes of Toyota Factories.
  12. 1 point
    /\/\/\ This Why on earth does anyone come to clearly a professional outfit and then start checking the bulbs all work when you have already explained that the car will receive an advisory free MOT when you collect. Worse than that though, people who insist on performing an emergency stop to prove the brakes work.
  13. 1 point
    - When they scream about your car not having a second key and their swapper that they’ve owned for 10+ years has one key made from duck tape and elastic bands. - The last minute disclose on the px. “Oh it smokes a bit when I start it in the mornings sometimes”. You start it from cold the next morning and can’t find your way out of the workshop. - “has the car ever had paint?” No it’s done 96000 miles wrapped in cotton wool and washed using only the 2 bucket method from new by all 5 owners. Hyundai Matrix drivers are always fastidious types. - Customers who perform their own mini-MOT on the forecourt (indicators, fogs, tyres etc) on a car that was actually MOTd the day before and has done 1 mile since. - Punters clutching the Parkers guide. - Shaking on an agreed price and then further attempts at negotiation post hoc (tax, fuel, etc etc) - Customers who confuse the CRA and warranties and fair wear and tear etc. When you try and politely explain they stop listening and just assume your bullshitting. - I’ve got lots more...
  14. 1 point
    The cars we have sold for export to Cyprus or anywhere else are always on the basis that the invoiced buyer pays in sterling and once paid its down to them to arrange onward shipping, import and taxes etc. We sometimes provide customers with a few pointers of help if they need it but from experience if you're not careful you become the point of contact for the complete thing (for which you're not being paid).......like car hasn't been loaded at docks (even when it was there on time) so will be another month before it can go, there's damage at the other end or somethings gone missing, ship was re-routed due to bad weather so it will be 3 weeks late.............Depends how committed you are, easiest route would be to buy UK cars, get them imported and then sell them once they're tax paid and ready to go - once had a customer who as ever wanted to buy as cheap as possible........bought and paid and arranged his shipping on a 7 years old car without seeing it - he'd had loads of pictures, he then moaned when it arrived that the paintwork wasn't as good as he expected and that did I know it had 3 different makes of tyre on.......so you may well be able to made a go of it with the right contacts and you'll never know unless you try....
  15. 1 point
    Simple rule in life of car trading Lucas SELL the cars , BURN Rate , Stock turn , and most important PROFIT First car i bought to sell left for a new home within 5 days Lucas , Get them sold because expenses will consume you very quickly , and i mean bloody fast . You are already behind and it takes some catching up , seen it happen lots of times ,
  16. 1 point
    It's a shambles is what it is. By far the most stupid course of events in a country only just (and not fully) recovered from a recession. As I say, I'm not adverse to the Brexit, but I don't understand why it's been done the way it has. Everyone who instigated it has jumped ship, and we're left with the worst PM we've had in a long time.
  17. 1 point
    I have What exactly aren't you happy about? I voted stay. I reckon considering the scaremongering (lies?) in the Leave campaign, I reckon we should have a revote. BUT, since we're leaving, I wish they'd hurry up and get on with it. Nick, I'm just thinking what an awful waste of money this would have been if there's no Brexit in the end. Billions spent, while there's no policing and the country is going to pot with more stabbings and robberies day by day.
  18. 1 point
    Have sold a few to Cyprus over the years, and as you are probably aware there are a few companies / sole traders who are already into this market, typically Cypriots who already live in the UK, there are quite a few shipping lines that take the cars some RORO others in containers.... You'll need to be 100% on top of the import regulations, as getting it wrong can give you a major problem. .....Once sold a car that had originally been first registered in Japan then came the UK, had a UK V5 - no problem............unfortunately the buyer wasn't aware until the car arrived in Cyprus that as its first registration was outside the UK import tax was huge.... and he ended up sending it back to the UK, effectively re-importing it (as it was down as being exported) finally selling it on about 12 months later - and down about 3 grand.......