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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    You see I would normally agree, but haven't all the old school BMW buyers moved to Audi's and the old school Audi buyers moved to BMW ?
  2. 1 point
    Over the last few years I have been selling anything Audi, but having sold quite a few BMW's more recently my fondness for them and there buyers is returning, they seem to attract non messers with cracking PX's........ Am I just having a lucky spell, or am I deluded.... Oh, I know a lot of you don't touch German, but its my bread and butter.....
  3. 1 point
    Used £24 delivered eBay.
  4. 1 point
    Yeah agreed...... anything S Line or black edition.....find me a cubicle types, come back all red faced wiping off the catalogue....
  5. 1 point
    you may be right, my jocks buy Audi diseasels, I very rarely buy a Beemer, but the highland jocks are a much better breed of billy, no hassle at all, I have to actively encourage them to bring a Car back with a warranty problem and not pay me !! Try that down south
  6. 1 point
    I think the rates is the least of his problems, now here's a fresh Idea !! With his electronic skills and obviously wanting to get in the Motor sector, and a bonus being Chinese, why not import Diagnostic Equipment, fettle out all the bugs and sell it, there isn't that many selling fully sorted machines, I know, I tried a few, and they were a good product but lacked quality control etc. That will be a booming industry over the next few years, it's already taking off now !!
  7. 1 point
    1 Ltd company for the garage and 1 for car sales. Wouldn’t this be the way forward?
  8. 1 point
    Absolutely, keeps 'em keen, we used to do a profit share with our top 2 guys
  9. 1 point
    Send me some of your stock and I will sell it for you and get them fixed - you just take your share of the winnings
  10. 1 point
    This simple statement goes a long long way, i had to give my mechanic a share of the workshop businesses best move I ever done, i could go for months without going in there and it would still be running like a watch.
  11. 1 point
    Mercedes Benz Server subscription costs £10k a year on it's own, then there's all the other 11 Mfr's that I have Dealer Kit for, some PAYG, some Annual and some per file downloaded. Then there is Machine software updates. etc etc etc etc etc, and most run of the mill mechanics won't be able to work it or understand it !! Absolutely Mikey, a billy asked me the other day why I charged him an hour to "just" fit a Battery I used to employ good Mechanics / Technicians at my Gearbox firm, and believe me, whenever we interviewed there wasn't 'arf some wankers applying for the jobs !! Without Motor experience how the hell do you know who is good and who isn't, the good ones are either on top dollar and happy in their PAYE Job or they work for themselves An "out of work" mechanic coming for an interview would always set bells ringing, it took us years to get the right team together. If I had Lucas skills with Chips and Electronics etc I'd be in that game, but I just love Cars, Old and New, always have done.
  12. 1 point
    I changed a battery on a mini the other day......... had to take it to my mechanic as you have to program the bastard in! As Dave2302 said, it's all about computers and software these days, no matter how much kit you buy, car manufacturers will bring out new software that requires another £5k diagnostics kit, you'll have more tablets and laptops than sockets!
  13. 1 point
    It must be the season of goodwill as everyone is being so nice, Lucas you must be some kind of fruit and nut to be even thinking about this, spend your time trying to sell the investments you have already purchased. You will be bent over so many times you will get dizzy and that will be just from the suppliers and staff before the customers even get a hold of you. Bar humbug.
  14. 1 point
    Small garage is good. After your last post about paying your first repair bill last month and thinking of a garage business I was worried you might start by taking over a BIG garage or a chain. Best of luck! You will need lots of it mate!
  15. 1 point
    /\ /\ /\ +1 Un believable ........................ I have been buying tools, mostly Snap On since I was 14, over the last few years the Snap On purchases have gone down to just the occasional lost socket, or a new gadget etc................. However, the need for specialist Dealer Level Diagnostic machines, and the learning curve of Computers, (and for you Lucas) how the Cars Electronic Systems works is very very steep. My Workshop Equipment expenditure last year alone will wipe out your remaining capital ....................... I quote Fraser from Dad's Army (for those of us that remember it lol) "Doooooomed, Doooooomed" Why do you think the fella is selling up ?? I have a mate locally, owns a fleet and wants his son to take over his business, the boy is brilliant with computers and his dad asked me if i could teach him to use diagnostic stuff .......................... I gave it a shot, got the boy reading fault codes, looking at data, but the issue is he has no idea how an Engine etc works, so when the code says "EGR Valve" he might just as well go down the pub............. Not a scooby !! Lucas, you are full of surprises, keep 'em coming
  16. 1 point
    How much is the rent, the utilities, the business rates, the insurance, the public liability insurance, equipment (is it still there- you need ramps etc), how much do you think a mechanic x 2 is a year? PAYE, holiday pay etc. What sort of garage? MOT? If so, that's another minefield. How well did the last guy do? Who's gonna answer the phone and deal with the customers?
  17. 1 point
    "The problem is that I am not a mechanic" isn't that a prerequisite for opening a garage? What's your plan Lucas to employ mechanics? Have you employed people before? Just out of interest what business we're you in before? Property?
  18. 1 point
    This ^^^^^ It can be a very insular job, I have many years of experience as a home trader and can help with my personal experiences. I’ve never been good at being told what to do so it’s a perfect job for me. There are some very successful self made veterans here with a huge wealth of knowledge which openly give it for free. We all help each other here in our different ways, with all our different experiences. It’s a great forum and I for one highly value it.
  19. 1 point
    Cheers Sir Nick Blacksbushe is far for me. Bedford - yep sold it in a day. Same car from Preston but better spec with an extra 40k miles from Preston and am struggling lol Lol she wasn't a looker. The dopey weird type.. Gone soft now?
  20. 1 point
    You are all welcome.... following a nominal deposit to confirm your attendance
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    If I had enough dollars, I would be in Devon myself (Salcombe to be precise) but certainly very near to Jurassic coast. I do not like or understand city life, too busy, noisy and expensive.