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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Great that you’ve got a free trial. I would just say don’t take it as gospel as some of our regular best sellers only rate 45/100 on the new desirability scale. It’s just a guide but I’m sure you’ll find it useful.
  2. 1 point
    You must sell them as scrap / unroadworthy which must be trailored away. They complete a Lawgistics Unroadworthy Invoce confirming all of the above. I have never had a comeback.
  3. 1 point
    Dark green Audi S8 in Ronin, another Citroen XM and E34 BMW M5. I always had a soft spot for E34s...
  4. 1 point
    I think this is a manageable way to take a slice of the pie, before scaling to a platforms true potential. A wolf in sheep’s clothing type approach. I suppose I would question how you would brand a business aiming at advertising cheap small which in the future would scale up? The two can’t have much synergy. My other query would be around getting the right dealers onboard. Many have a range of stock and the idea of paying to only be able to advertise certain cars maybe a bit alien to them.
  5. 1 point
    No but he could be the one that built the algorithms that allocate the "random" seating on Ryanair's website
  6. 1 point
    I use it but understand that it shows desirability within 50 miles. While it’s interesting to compare the new desirability score (out of 100) against the old rating out of 5, I struggle to believe the results as we don’t sell much to customers within 50 miles. Most travel 100-200 miles. its also interesting to see a desirability score of 99 for a car which shows 2.5 on Autotrader buying (autotrademail) as they obviously contradict each other.
  7. 1 point
    I used to use it but no matter how 'desirable' it kept telling me a Nissan Micra was, no way in god's earth was I ever going to buy one. My AT guy who is very good by the way, was always putting 'stock turn' before it, and for that information you need i control which is a great bit of kit but obviously costs. I'm sure if you asked you get get it on trial.
  8. 1 point
    I was going to say the same....the delivery people (Amazon etc) are definitely on overtime coming to my house! It's bad enough at normal times of the year- every day something pointless and/or useless arrives! I don't think Her Indoors has gone to a shop yet. And I get to deal with the ridiculous amount of cardboard for even the smallest item! Still ticking over nicely- without Autoraper (sorry, it's been a while ;0) won't break any records but hopeful to hit the 20 mark if we can do a couple more yet.
  9. 1 point
    I started using it a month ago. Shows some surprises but generally confirms what we know. Because of the way I buy I don't use it pre-purchase but I have a good look at it when pricing and re-pricing stock. Already sold a car £1000 over what I thought I could sell at because the program showed 99 desirability score and 4 available nationwide for a car I genuinely considered undesirable.
  10. 1 point
    Wow, that’s outrageous daylight robbery. I’ve never paid for spare key to be made up, mr billy you only need one key, two is a bonus.....
  11. 1 point
    When you have seen as many cars as most of us have i would hardly call them a dream anymore.
  12. 1 point
    I preferred an A-frame too until many years ago I was ‘pulled’ one night and received 3 points & a fixed penalty. The next day it was on an eBay auction raffles off to the highest bidder.