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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    They’re either working for peanuts, have a massive ‘extended family’ if you know what I mean, are not paying VAT or are desperate to buy/have stocking plans that they don’t know how to manage properly and will pop eventually. “Many are called, few are chosen Terry”
  2. 3 points
    I remember as a youngster looking at a Mk2 Escort. It was a 1.3 on the log book “But it’s got a 1.6 in it. It f***in flies lads, 1.3 insurance, get the f***er bought”. That honestly was the sales patter Happy days.
  3. 2 points
    There is only one sure fire way to make sure all claims are dealt with swiftly and efficiently and that is to self warrant.
  4. 2 points
    For anyone who hasn’t read the Big Mike Column in the magazine- I highly recommend it. You can see the previous ones online. Most amusing (and often nostalgic to the days we long-in-the-tooth traders remember) and the main reason I subscribe to it. T.V. I wonder whether your question my well end up featuring in one of his future issues.. I predict the answer will be something like: ‘bloody modern cars are no better than a Christmas cracker toy made in Taiwan, and just as likely to self-destruct as actually be useful. That and the fact you can make more profit out of an old car and don’t have to push GAP, finance, Supaguard, service plan’s etc. Mind you- he had to sell Morris Itals etc new I think, so he knows what he’s on about. I always thought he was BHM (Big Hairy Mike) as he’s in the same neck-of-the-woods ;o) Anyway, welcome Big Mike. A la Wayne’s World: we are not worthy!
  5. 1 point
    As has been said on here so many times, buying is the hardest part of the job. I buy quite a few private, have a little ad in the local rag saying i buy cars for cash with full history. Do 3-4 a month from that.
  6. 1 point
    Yes, no probs. This is the website of the company I use. Great guys and deliver a good service imho http://www.autoimaging.co.uk/
  7. 1 point
    Kelly, to learn how to make something work, as a complete clueless NOOB to the job I'd let people abuse me as much as they like, I don't care, I'm still getting the advice I was asking for, maybe in an abusive way but I still got it! In hindsight, I completely understand the sh** I got, even now as a slightly more experienced NOOB I still want to tell some newcomers to go away which is why I suggested to the forum manager people persons to not just have FAQ but to have a dedicated NOOB section which is off limits to the pro's. However thinking about that now, would I personally choose to get advice from the real guys and take a beating or would I choose to listen to YouTube video makers and google specialists? I'd take a beating all day long
  8. 1 point
    Agree with all above. I think they will look a lot better if the wall behind was brilliant White with the grey floor. Your cars look lovely and clean. As with another comment I would have some pics of your premises and the family /team rather than the generic pictures
  9. 1 point
    Only had a few, but its a tell tale sign its done... Get a new one fitted i'd say. Of all the mini's we've stocked and sold, we've done probably 4/5 clutches and 3 have been in the last 2 months. We've done probably 4 customer service jobs in the last 4 months too. Maybe its the season for em! Same as batteries, not done one in a year, done 3 in the last 2 weeks!
  10. 1 point
    I agree about inside photos and yours are a bit dark. I much prefer them taken outside. Why is the black Fiesta bonnet up in the first pic? I would take more pics of each car-how many pictures can you have? 20? Also, I always like to see the operation, rather than generic cover pictures & it makes it more personal and less faceless- so consider a picture of your gaff/your team etc maybe. Rather than that blue Ford and red Vauxhall. I would push the workshop more too. A really good effort though! I love you’re attitude and keenness. Well done.
  11. 1 point
    Boohoo. Who cares. Seriously. Loads of stuffs unfair I wouldnt waste a single second going on about it just focus on doing what you do and do it to the best of your ability.
  12. 1 point
    Hi Kelly, I'm not keen on the two tone back ground pictures, paint over the cream with grey and use that wall for all your photos, continuity is cool Otherwise looks great. Good luck
  13. 1 point
    This is fast turning into one of the most mentioned models on this forum. Closely followed by Astra. My highest mileage sale - Two stand out: My own 2006 Merc CLK220 CDI bought at BCA in 2012 at 180K miles (£4200) and sold in 2016 at 250K miles for £3300 after a flurry of calls. It was almost like new. Fantastic car. A Volvo S70 2.3T5 R with 190K miles I sold on eBay for £2200 to a buyer in Newcastle (I am in Bucks). I delivered it to his door and he dropped me off to Newcastle airport for a short flight back to Stansted. Delivered by me personally and free and I enjoyed every mile! Never again though, too risky :-)
  14. 1 point
    You can guarantee it would be Uber'ing the same week
  15. 1 point
    You wait to see what happens in January. As smashy and nicey once said, you ain't seen nothing yet.
  16. 1 point
    100 cars a day? And here is me doing 20-30 kilometres of walking on an auction day at Blackbushe. 1500 average daily entries. Some very expensive, others DIRT cheap.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    MOT advises do my head in...pass it or fail it
  19. 1 point
    As a newbie, do you have a stupid question we can abuse you for?
  20. 1 point
    Not really. Black on Silver for example is very popular. Gunmetal grey on silver looked washed out.
  21. 1 point
    Open tailgates. It's the future.
  22. 1 point
    Thought it was about time. I've only been associated with Car Dealer for about 11 years... It's taken me that long to master the internet. Apparently it sells cars ;-)
  23. 1 point
    The 40MPH Jimny steering wheel wobble is good fun too!
  24. 1 point
    get planning permission for your site for 15-20 houses. Sell the land.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    6 Read the CRA, fully understand your obligations and rights 7 Do the right thing, look after your billy’s 8 Don’t be a mug. Be firm but fair 9 Don’t think for the slightest moment this job is easy money. It isn’t. 10. Grow balls like Benji 11 Read, re-read all of the above again and again and learn.
  27. 1 point
    +1 on that but I must add a caveat (applies to all warranties). A warranty will only be valid if the vehicles servicing schedule is up to date. So, on the surface 3 months warranty can look very reasonable and give both you and your buyer some comfort - however, when that timing belt snaps and the warranty company check out the history to find it hasn't been done, that bill is back on you. So, warranty insurance about £40 (nice) factor in at least a light service (if the history is out of date and something we do anyway) and maybe even a major service - suddenly, to make your warranty worth the paper it is written on - it may end up costing you several hundred pounds. I used to self insure my warranties becuase my level of claims being virtually zero. I put the money that I would have paid Warranty Holdings (remember them?) in a separate account and used this as contingency funds. Now, I don't have my own workshop or the time, staff etc to manage this effectively, so I think paying a 3rd party is the best option for me. That's my advice, rightly or wrongly.