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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I used to do 6 races per week in my prime including National championships and also teach sailing if they want some help on their new yacht. Bloody expensive hobby but I have seen the light and sold my yacht, I now bare boat charter (rent) as I was told many years ago: If you want a boat, stand at the end of the jetty and chuck £50 notes in the water, one after an other. Or better still; If it flies, floats or fucks........rent it!
  2. 1 point
    I did chuckle when I saw this, https://angliacarauctions.co.uk/classic/saturday-3rd-november-2018/1970-austin-j4-camper-shed/ One of Mr C's finest...?
  3. 1 point
    If that was in the late 80s, I'll bet that was Vernon Ford. The story has it that he wanted a Ford Granada and got a Car dealer friend to take him to auction where he found that the prices were much less than he expected so he bought three, one for himself and two to sell from his barn.He then developed his business model on buying nearly new anything and selling it cheap from the farm, as is, no valet, no servicing, you want that doing, get it done yourself. He then took on an old Leyland truck site and absolutely rammed it with cheap nearly new and sold hundreds a month.Customers were queuing out of the sales office on a weekend waiting to buy. Traders paid to stand at the back of the pitch to value and buy part exchanges !! Out of that grew Fords of Windsford and I believe AvailableCar has a family connection. Hats off to the man, he saw an opportunity and took it.
  4. 1 point
    At £2.86 per minute I’m happy to discuss it
  5. 1 point
    I am interested to know how this works.You buy a van for £15k+vat which you claim back.You work on it and claim back as much VAT as you can on the parts and fittings.You then sell it for £30k.Is the VAT due on the sale £6k.or is there more duty to pay for converting a commercial vehicle to a private vehicle.
  6. 1 point
    Clint Eastwood etc.....When we first started we had an open pitch with a ramshackle office.We had this huge poster of Clint Eastwood on the wall from ‘The Good Bad and the Ugly’ with sales manager printed on it.We used to tell the punters if they had any problems Clint would deal with it.They loved that,but in those days punters rarely came back......true story.
  7. 1 point
    At the end of the day regardless of the fact that mini engines are chocolate and the private billy is a skint member he bought a car off a “professional” (the judge would say because he does not understand cars.... we know it’s cus he can’t get Chucky to buy cheap off back street bob) if a fault occurred in 30 days only an unprofessional dealer would wriggle.... I would have got It back and inspected as soon as a complaint was made then if report said it was faulty it would have been fixed, we are meant to be the professionals here not ones who hide from our obligations, if I paid an electrician to do a job and it wasn’t right I would expect him to make it right cus I don’t understand electrics I wouldn’t be wanting to contribute when I had paid top dollar a month before... We all like a good profit but sometimes we get shit and we need to move on,,,, unless of course billy is taking the piss.