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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    How often do you guys increase stock pricing? I regularly read about reducing the price of sticky stock to somewhere close to cost in the hope of a quick exit but I think there may be an alternative..... I have tried it before and it worked or was I just lucky? Thinking about it logically, every day fresh lookers view our stock and some don't want the cheapest, some aren't prepared to travel very far and some just want a set of wheels quickly and whether it is £200 more is irrelevant? For example, I have a BMW 118I Sport Cab on a 10 plate 61k with 1 former and FSH, advisory free MOT and 3 Months top warranty included, trouble is that it is in a particularly subjective colour (Cashmere Silver). I had more shouts on it at £7,295 than I did at £6,795 - so clearly the price is not the issue (within reason). I can't change the colour and the car drives flawlessly (you know when a car is right); So today, I have increased the price to £6,995 and I will sit and wait for that one person. I have reviewed all my stock and increased the pricing, except on two PX's which are price driven (under £1k). I am just waiting for someone to say, "oy m8, I woz watchin that car at £x and the price az gun up." Can't wait to say, "why didn't you buy it then." Thoughts?
  2. 1 point
    Find someone that does vinyl wrapping and fix it for £30 and half an hour. Everyone seems to want a black roof now :-)
  3. 1 point
    Works for me and what I also do is reschuffle my pictures and it can appear as a new stock unit (we don't display number plates - this is a MUST!) I can't say if it works on a £2K car but it does on one that was £10500 and is now up at £11200. Also, when you have 3 similar vehicles and sell one you can comfortably increase the price of the two that are still in stock and put on AT's attention grabber on the sold car something like, "Thank you now sold" (this isn't a good idea every time though). You can always put a "Thank you now sold" on a car that you still have just in case it makes someone looking at your advert every day to finally pick up the phone and call you. No point trying that on a £1K car :-) Some of you WILL question the morality or the transparency in all of the above but this is a very dynamic marketplace with multiple factors at play and if your pricing is "non-dynamic" it will ultimately cost you. Bought any Ryanair tickets lately???
  4. 1 point
    9 times out of 10 it doesn’t work BUT recently I’d had a Saab in stock for months. I removed the advert, rephotoed it, put it up £500 to 2500 and Bingo! Sold 2 days later. Before anyone thinks I’m talking the big talk I must stress that in my experience this is very very rare - I usually end up working for a pittance on sticky stock. Try upping the price, if you’ve got no interest in a fortnight it’ll need slashing to get rid of the bloody thing.
  5. 1 point
    Possibly work! There are always some out there who wish to pay what they feel "something" is worth, they are the opposite of the cheeky beggars who want to chip everything down in price.. sometimes too cheap = its got a problem in buyers eyes and they pass it over. Autotrader and ebay perpetuate the "race to the bottom" pricing strategy.. however if your Beemer is straight as you say and you like it (know them/being in trade etc) then give it a go at a better price.. should attract a nicer/smarter punter.. the race to the bottom/cheap as possible scenario can/may only attract buyers who want £10k vehicle for £1k etc.. and will scream at you when the screen washers dont work because they are full of falling tree sap!.. Keep us updated, as I do feel youre on the right track.. no one here (I guess) wants to sell cheap all the time as AT and ebay would have us do... "suggested selling price"... ?? What is it Jim Royal used to say???
  6. 1 point
    www.partsgateway.co.uk are usually good
  7. 1 point
    you would still be sweeping up with the 70's stuff though funny how a chopped off sill on an old ford seemed to take up two buckets for all the rust