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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Photos are a significant improvement. Fair play for taking the advice and putting the effort in. It amazes me the amount of cars I see advertised that are so badly photographed you think that the trader must hate money, or himself.
  2. 2 points
    So you did panic Mikey.Never mind,you can tell your mates you have sold 50% of your stock over the weekend,you don’t need to tell them you have made nowt.......We have all been there..Good Luck !
  3. 1 point
    I’ve never understood why in this game do many complain when they’ve made a sale & then think they could of got more. You were sick of it so should be happy it’s gone. The internet is very competitive as it’s rammed full of cars so they need to be photographed correctly to gain interest however decent photos don’t sell overpriced cars. Every couple of months I assess my stock & any sticky cars are blown away & I never feel regret - just pleasure at seeing the back of one & freeing up a space for something more profitable. Is he referring to a few scuffs on the door cill trim? I was staring at the photos to try & work out what the problem is. If that’s what is being referred to I really wouldn’t worry, it’s a 162,000 mile CRV & the sort of man interested won’t give a fuck about a few trim scuffs - he’s buying on price (and a very attractive price it is too).
  4. 1 point
    So retook the photos this weekend, and my phone has not stopped ringing today! (Had one shite viewing yesterday, people expecting showroom condition even after explaining all the points over the phone). Deposit taken today with collection tomorrow! Thankyou all for the great advise and tips! Greatly appreciated!
  5. 1 point
    2015 I believe
  6. 1 point
    About 6 months ago I had a BMW bore, with a BMW p/x, interested in one of my gems. Firstly he emailed War & Peace telling me his engine was based on the 1970s Formula 1 engine, so I ignored him. Strangely for one of these email bores he phoned up with the same spiel, you’d of thought this idiot’s car was actually a Formula 1 car - embarrassing. His car? A f***ing clapped out 18 year old 318 estate with about 200K on the clock. Arsehole valued it at something like £1500, I bid him £100 and when he started his patter again I cut him off. I’d hate to have to deal with an Alpina bore
  7. 1 point
    Don't quote me but I am sure this only applies to 2014 and newer anyway?