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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Fine by me cos 1/3 of nowt is still....
  2. 1 point
    I'd agree, my county (Cheshire) charges as much as possible all day for parking, even with empty shops.. cross the border to Staffordshire and the council have free parking after 1530 to encourage Mums to call in for a pick/quick shop after school... now I didnt know this.. a native of the county stopped my paying for a ticket as I parked up around 1600 one day.. I was surprised, but since then.. when in the county.. I notice on the whole the smaller shopping areas are doing better.. Rates and milking all the can, the councils just want cash to spend.. never seems to be wisely spent either or with a decent cost vs benefit analysis run across it.... Pet hobby horse of mine.. so best get back on thread and away from local council activites or lack of.. and best not mention POT HOLES.. I can be found on top of the rear of the sofa shouting at the TV over these...
  3. 1 point
    Let's hope so for everyones sake
  4. 1 point
    I have the steering light (amber) on Seat Leon - it did have multiple faults but all sorted except the wheel light. Diagnosis points to a wheel angle sensor? it is working perfectly however, but the battery needs a jump after a couple of days. Mechanic reckons all the faults were due to a battery change and no reset afterwards. Going to fit a new battery today and flash the system again, see what that does for the steering light.
  5. 1 point
    If they are way up the corporate ladder as a few of my friends are, I very much doubt they swap anything to be in my position. A friend of mine has a take home of 10,000 a month, can 'work' from home as much as he likes, gets flown around the world constantly and looks at me with a huge amount of pity. He is the pick of the bunch, but if I had my time again...... I'd have tried harder at school!
  6. 1 point
    I’ve heard anywhere outside the posh parts are desperate but my mate’s in Kensington - there’s no need for food banks around the corner from his company paid apartment at nearly £5000 a month! It’s all another world to little old me, the streets really do appear to be paved with gold to an ignorant northerner who normally eats cold turnip stew out of a wooden bowl. Personally I’d try & fiddle the rent money & live in the back of a van but that’s why I’m where I’m at & he’s well up the corporate ladder. Overpriced Chinese dinner at the Shard, Belgravia pubs charging £6 a pint and I saw the most expensive loaf of bread I’ve ever seen in a shop window in Primrose Hill - £8!!!
  7. 1 point
    100,000 MILE WARRANTY or the nearest set of traffic lights,whichever comes first...........
  8. 1 point
    What in earth’s all this whinging about a customer wanting to transfer money!?!!! I’ve never read such rubbish & anyone who thinks selling via a credit card is foolproof is deluding themselves. If you want to worry yourself to death just think the next punter might be a crazed axe murdered who slaughters you on the test drive. Better stop trading then! Come on guys, get real! You’re all over-thinking this.
  9. 1 point
    "not on my manner" "I don't believe I'm hearing this" "Where's my money!"