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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Nothing has changed in donkies years.Most franchised dealer ,sales managers and sales staff are incompetent when it comes to describing stock.There will be a big list for naming and shaming.Most of them are just’passing ships in the night’,you would not want to employ most of them.If you described a 100k 12 year old Micra for valuation,most would reach for their Glasses Guide.You have to be in the ‘risk business’ if you are using Dealer Auction,there will be no little gems,they probably still go out through the back door.
  2. 2 points
    what does IMDA think Umesh? What are your views on it? Personally believe it needs to be independently moderated and run like reviews and star ratings rather than a "rogues gallery" - leaving it up to dealers to name other dealers on a forum is open to abuse and easily misinterpreted
  3. 2 points
    Hi Umesh, I feel that whilst this could be a good idea..... there are legal implications that could arise. Lawjaw might be able to advise better? Slander and defamation come to mind?
  4. 1 point
    No f***ing chance - they’re on their own! If they want to buy elsewhere then they are welcome to do so but I won’t be using my time & professional experience to make a sale, or otherwise, for a complete stranger. Tbh I only offer advice on my own cars, anyone else’s I simply say “I can’t comment, how can I comment as I don’t know the car?” because any advice they don’t want to hear is usually ignored anyway so it’s best not to get involved.
  5. 1 point
    Dealer Auction do not give two-hoots about us buyers. All they are interested in is keeping their dealer network happy. I have been with them since day one, and can categorically confirm this: I have, on many occasions collected a car and it’s been totally mis-described, and DA is totally uninterested. Boring example follows: on one occasion I went to collect a four year old Fiesta. Two trains and one taxi later, I get there and the car is a shed. The rear wheel arch is missing and jagged metal left. They only pictured the good side and put. ‘D’ on the diagram for the offending side. The Dealer Principal wouldn’t even come out of his office. I left disappointed and got back in another taxi/ two trains home. Car was relisted agin, without any modification to the listing. I rang DA, sent them a picture of the damage. Nothing happened. This is only one example of a handful examples, but, to be fair, most are quite hourable and you get to know the good ones. DA (like Autotrader) don’t care about us, and we’re unimportant/ two-a-penny. Sytners have a rating system, but, even the bad dealers get top money for everything..
  6. 1 point
    Defamation falls broadly into two types - Libel and Slander People often think of the difference by connecting the 'S' of 'Slander' with the 'S' of 'Speech' or 'Spoken' and so you will often hear people say that slander is spoken and thus libel is in writing. For the most part that can be a correct conclusion but not always so. The distinction is one of permanence. Therefore, if speech is recorded and thus capable of being replayed time and time again (whether it is or not) then that speech is likely to be considered libel(ous) rather than slander(ous). With that in mind, a 'Name and Shame' campaign is the same as an online review, it is written content and therefore will have the potential to be libellous if; It is published The reputation of the 'Named and Shamed' has to be adversely affected by the comments However you cannot be defamed for statements that are actually truthful. Therefore, if you are going to name and shame someone make sure the facts are correct! Watch our legal advisor explain defermation in more detail on Trade Plates TV
  7. 1 point
    I've been saying for years that there should be a rating system, heck even sytner have one on their own site.
  8. 1 point
    Ideally Dealer Auction should do it. It would help maintain the integrity of the site.
  9. 1 point
    Refund, Repair, Resell - no doubt - they will have the preconception that the car is a nightmare and hit you with every squeak, rattle and glitch for ever
  10. 1 point
    Refund and sell to somebody else. Shit happens sometimes.
  11. 1 point
    Hang on free meals....need to know about that ? A few weeks ago at Newcastle a guy in front of me in the canteen was getting a free meal.He was a buyer for some recent start up car supermarket,so I said what about me,account holder for over 40 years.By the time they go bust,I will still have bought twice as many as them......appeal fell on stoney ground !
  12. 1 point
    I too have a guy coming on Tuesday to supply, cut and program a Seat key and fob (with buttons) from basic spare key for £135 + travel He is also repairing my (sealed unit) Mini key battery for £40 same day (no travel) Not sure if it is a franchise but the company is called autolockmaster.co.uk Hope this helps
  13. 1 point
    I have a bloke who does it for £135. He won’t travel as far as you but it’s evidence that you can get keys cut and programmed for sensible money.
  14. 1 point
    I (stupidly) did it once, for a very good friend of mine. Porsche Boxster (for his wife allegedly). He said the car was 'near London' and it was a dealer. Turns out it's someone selling from home, and it's in some grotty suburb of Bermondsey! I wouldn't have agreed to go if he'd put me totally in the picture and he knew it Anyway, we get there and the car is lurched on the front garden grass of this, shall we say, less-than-salubrious area-where most people seemed to use the front garden for old mattresses and kids toys.. full of lowered three series and Vauxhalls. I turned to my mate and said he was an utter Twat, and he couldn't seriously consider buying such a car from here. I could also see without getting out, that the car's been fighting. Paintwork an OK job if was on something cheaper/more run of the mill, but I pointed it out there was also lots of new parts underneath and the Full Service History wasn't and it had the oft-usual oil leaks and was just not a nice car. The seller was pretty defensive and kept saying 'it's luvly in'it!' and such like. My idiot mate made us have a test drive. Clutch is shagged but the seller said 'they're all like that'. We left and he sulked until we stopped for lunch in some grotty pup called 'The Queen' or something very similar. My idiot mate then changes his mind as 'it's cheap' and phones the guy up. So, long story boring- bought it anyway, and it pooped itself within a year and the clutch after a month or so. Oh how I laughed/continue to laugh at him about it. He still has it many years later as (in his words) he's spent SO much on rebuilding the junk over the years that he may as well keep it. Spends most of its life on his front garden- but his cat has a nice place to sit on the fabric roof at least. Never again and I now always say no if anyone asks me 'if I've got or can I get' etc. and don't give any advice other than, best go to the main dealer for that.
  15. 1 point
    Great location shot.Disco looks good,just keep it and use it for background for stock photos at this location,put a false plate on it like IM 20 or similar.It would conjure up an image of credibility and wealth and encourage longer distance punters to make the effort to come and view your stock.