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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Like all customers, you get good ones and you get bad ones. The one we had-had a real smell of 'five months later i'm gonna try backing this and i'll be a real pain in the arse' so it was best to nip it in the bud. EPV - I only mention it because sometimes it's better business for you to just refund and resell, rarely, but sometimes and only when it suits you. Sometimes you can just tell it's gonna be cheaper and easier in the long run, especially on something rare that you know you won't struggle with. If this is your first screamer as you say then just use it as a good learning curve because it won't be the last!
  2. 1 point
    When I said, he’s a Mondeo man and it speaks volumes I meant it.....bottom feeders
  3. 1 point
    Arthur’s in the sun somewhere, annoying the Spanish
  4. 1 point
    Show off Not really. He was 42!!
  5. 1 point
    Isn't that Evans Halshaw??
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Politely sack him off, fuel consumption is his problem. If he starts whining then sack him off impolitely. As for Jocks whinging unfortunately it’s become a national pastime for them. I think they see sniping at anyone south of the border as a sport, I guess it’s the Nicola Sturgeon Effect. They used to be great but something has definitely changed in their attitude based on my experiences with them I’d reconstruct Hadrian’s Wall - out of the last five, 1 was great, 2 were arseholes who bought but I’d never want to see again & the other 2 I sent packing within a few minutes of them arriving. Funnily enough my worst ever customer was a Jock taxi driver from Edinburgh who bought a petrol Octavia estate - the most horrible greedy b****d I’ve ever met who expected the earth & was a cheeky twat. I only persevered with him cos I’d had the car for 6 months, although I did walk away at one point cos I nearly smacked him, his Mrs sort of apologised & said “he’s always like this”. F***ing horrible greedy c*** that still boils my piss whenever I think about him.
  8. 1 point
    They will always want collateral - Your stock is not suitable security as you could sell it all and do one very quickly. In their eyes, if you're not prepared to secure a loan in that way, why should they take the risk. We're all the same, convinced we can make it work if only we had a spare £500k - when we are asked to back up our enthusiasm, we start to think of all the negatives - just like a funder.
  9. 1 point
    We dropped them coming up two years ago- made little difference, especially when you factor in how many units sold go to paying them! We don't miss them at all and the world didn't end. However, we are a small used independant, so maybe even I (who hate AT with a vengeance) would maybe think differently if I was one of the big boys. I dunno. The prices are mental and it should be fair and offered at the same rate to everyone EXCEPT there should be better bulk buy discounts and everyone should get more stock for the money & in my opinion DOUBLE what they give now (like they do at Xmas).