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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Too true! If a punter starts pulling the car to bits it doesn’t take me long to say “It’s a secondhand car so if you’re here to crab it to death just leave it” and my favourite “Increase your budget or lower your expectations”. After I’ve given them a 30 second lecture they either stop their bullshit or they start whinging & whining again which results in me terminating the viewing. I stopped taking too much flannel from punters a long time ago. I refuse to listen to pisspoor negotiations centring on non-existent faults and alleged defects on secondhand cars. I find it annoying when a chancer is telling me my car is defective (when it clearly isn’t) just to attempt to get a discount - “Leave it, it’s clearly not for you”, remove the key from the ignition, shut the door and they get the message.
  2. 2 points
    Sorry, I disagree with asking for pictures. Once you start asking for pictures & get drawn into discussion you are getting involved. That’s not what you want, it’s a straight forward “it’s your responsibility, you are on your own” and a swift end to it.
  3. 1 point
    You don't want a reputation within the very same community for being a soft touch/walkover either.
  4. 1 point
    If he wants to reject it he has to tell you why! I am presuming a miss fire. You need to know the facts before you can really move forward with him. Tell him to provide some evidence of the fault, garage report etc and you can go from there but personally i wouldn't lose any sleep over him. He's bought a 15 year old banger which is probably close to end of life
  5. 1 point
    Had a silly German lady in scrutinising a s80 D5 Volvo, she never even apologised for ze conduct of her country during ze war. Even Mr C would have struggled punting her a mint t5 for a grand.
  6. 1 point
    We took over a forecourt that was previously motorhomes, our second forecourt used to be a caravans site. Both went belly up. I've no great insight but chatting to one guy he reminded me that when people look for a Focus so long as condition is fine it'll mostly be exterior colour and mileage that sways the decision once they've found a spec level they like. With motorhomes, for him, it was a discussion about the benefits of a beech interior against another with cherry or mahogany, size and layout of the shower room, upholstery pattern etc...then you also had to have one with the right engine, mileage and history...basically the amount of variables were endless which if you stock it right was OK but one dodgy interior colour or layout and it could stick forever. Margins seem huge but it's a game you really really have to know your market. We only tried it once and did well but I couldn't do it day in day out. One local said his sales side pays the bills but nothing more but the repairs/renovation side is where the money is.