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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I usually get the guy turn up, happy with car makes silly offer and I send him away. within an hour or so another guy asks new questions and offers a bid slightly higher than the first guy (denies any connection with first guy) I decline. Another hour and another guy calls asking again different questions and offers slightly more! Pantomime!
  2. 1 point
    Nope. Just a run of the mill normal dealership. Yes, I looked at their accounts too. (The dennis bit made me look into them). I have entered no contract, all i've done is send them an invoice for the amount owed. No way would I sign something. It's all very weird so i'll see how it progresses but the slightest issue and i'll be cancelling it.
  3. 1 point
    Ive not done too bad but Janaury has never been great for me . But October, November and December were all record months so I am not going to worry.
  4. 1 point
    Met with the IGA on Friday, they'll be doing full piece for us in the mag soon and some sessions at Cdx, specifically aimed at the retail trade, to help us buy and understand what the changes mean
  5. 1 point
    I stopped taking deposits about a year ago. I run on a “first come, first served” basis and because they’ve not paid a deposit I tell them they’re free to view & walk if they don’t like it with absolutely no pressure. It works 90% of the time because I weed out most arseholes over the phone. It works for me as I really can’t be arsed chewing on with customers - if they turn up with high expectations they’ve not paid a deposit so there’s no negotiation “Mr. Customer, if you don’t like what you see at my price then please do not get in and drive it, don’t waste either of our time, just leave it to one of the other 63 million of the population”. Years ago I used to take a £3-500 deposit (it used to concentrate punters minds ), then £200 but nowadays punters seem to think £100 is a deposit (it’s barely a good drink nowadays!) and I didn’t like removing a car from sale for such a paltry amount.
  6. 1 point
    As others have said, waste of money. Put it toward upgrading your lunch menu, that way you'd at least enjoy spending any money your potentially going to give Motors. Cancelled our contract with them. 1 sale in 6 months, advertising 80 vehicles.
  7. 1 point
    been very busy I only retail the odd car trade most done 28 inc 7 retail normally only do average 15 a month . have had traders fighting over cars , bought 8 today recon ill do them all buy end of month .
  8. 1 point
    Unreal week for us so far. 7 sales out of 33 stock and got others simmering away too so may add 1 or 2 more fingers crossed.
  9. 1 point
    Decent numbers and very good profit in all units which is pleasing! Still got lots of good stock ready to go aswell so no need to stock pile more at inflated prices.
  10. 1 point
    .....at £50 I would maybe think about Gumtree in addition to eBay. Tried it years ago on a special rate when first partnered with eBay and was okay for swappers but I think only 10% of the customer base are actually in the real world. Full of idiots who want 5 grand knocking off a 4 grand car plus free delivery to the other end of the country
  11. 1 point
    An amazing month for us, didnt move as many numbers but pulled for more margin out of what we did so very happy with that, struggling for stock but i rather have nothing around me than pay through the nose and have to give them away next month.
  12. 1 point
    We're busy busy busy on sales and can't buy stock as per usual, not complaining though!
  13. 1 point
    I know a trader who uses them instead of buying tax for his Range Rover!!