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  1. 2 points
    I bought an Auris by mistake last year, thought I was bidding on a Jag..... anyway, I priced it cheap from the off to get rid and it still sat around for 6 months laughing at me reminding me what a twat I was for bidding outside the rostrum... Lesson learnt
  2. 1 point
    I started in an indy circa 5 years ago when I left school. Then moved into the Vans around 3 years ago, worked my way up to moving into a Managerial role for the Company Branch. I was eventually made redundant as the company has since closed (Which kick started me going into self-employment in the first place). So I do feel that, whilst I'm young, I do have a certain amount of experience in the game. Though Maybe it is time for me to take a step back & think of my next move. Thanks for the input anyway guys... Always good to hear other peoples views (especially with your combined experience). Cheers
  3. 1 point
    I have no idea... to be fair I just want somewhere to store them.
  4. 1 point
    Just thought I'd chime in with my advice. Don't do it at 20, I started at 21, managed to get myself a nice lump of credit, 7 years on and I'm no longer in the motor trade but I'm still throwing lumps of meat to keep the wolves from my door, all because I thought I new it all and had guaranteed success. It was and still is my dream career and I learnt a lot but was it worth it? I don't think so, I wish I'd worked hard for somebody else At the end of the day the choice is your's and you may well make a great success of it but I wish I'd listened to the people around me who told me to wait. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
  5. 1 point
    I'm from PLC land and have had it drilled into me to turn my stock ASAP. I stock 10-12 cars and sell 14-16 a month. for me its all about getting the ££££ back in the bank as soon as possible. I premium Price for 10 days, then re look every other day. If i've had a car in stock over 120 days i'd get rid for cost or a small loss as i'd rather have it invested in something else. My average days in stock for 2017 was 28 days, which I can live with as I did have a couple of terminally ill cars that went 200 days or so! PLC would write down at 30/60/90 days ( in fact you'd get a fine of £1000 per car at 90 days, so it didn't happen ) Sometimes stuff flies away in minutes, but others stick, I try to take a lesson from each car I buy, every day's a school day so they say....
  6. 1 point
    2.5 - 3 months. In my opinion if it’s not gone by then then no one wants it so I cut the balls off the price & blow it out of the door to the first greedy parasite who rocks up As an aside them Aurises are pitch cars - absolutely no good for the internet. I’ve had 2, both low miles for age, both top spec, both FSH, a petrol that I put 4 new tyres & a clutch in and a scruffy (but f***ing cheap) diesel. The petrol only sold “accidentally” to a man who came to see a Berlingo but took a fancy to the colour (I don’t think I’d even taken a phone call on it) and the diesel just attracted stupid offers from the usual undesirable section of society who want everything for nowt. EVENTUALLY a nice fella turned up but I certainly won’t be searching for Aurises anytime soon.