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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/17 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    And the verdict is in........ So I turn up to the court with my one line of defence..... " I didn't personally sell this car" against a stack full of lies that the claimant had prepared. I get briefed before I go in that there are 5 cases to be heard at 10am and only 2 judges........ As I'm sitting in the waiting room I'm starting to think I should not have prepared this defense this way and all the other doubt is creeping into my mind. Then my case is called, so I'm straight into the hearing room......... And to my surprise, it's just me! The hearing lasts 5 minutes and it's struck out! The judge expressed surprise that the claimant is a no show and warns me that they have grounds for appeal, but has a quick scan through the paperwork and says, it's obvious that the claimant bought the car from a LTD company so rules in my favour. As I am leaving the court building, who should I walk past? Only the claimant and his dad..... I feel like informing him he's 15 minutes too late, but I restrain myself and just walk on feeling at absolute buzz! Now, I know he can appeal, or start a fresh claim against the business.... But to be honest I don't care now! I cant see an appeal working as he was just 15 minutes late! And if he decides to take the ltd company to court again, I will always have this little victory to fall back on, even though it was not the absolute victory I was hoping for, it's a victory.
  2. 1 point
    I dropped in last week and it appears you can jump in again when they are first started. They used to be quite strict about not letting you in them. It has to be said that the vendors do have a point, I remember being at BCA Enfield on a Saturday morning when a bunch of young guys were "red lining" every BMW there, if they were my cars I'd be mightly pissed off...? I also know one particularly trader that, on a saturday when the auction is full of mostly private punters, deliberately 'crunches' the gears when trying the clutch to make the cars appear to have a problem
  3. 1 point
    That's right,it's a bit like speedy boarding at EasyJet,you pay extra and then find you are at the end of a long queue of speedy boarders.The EasyJet boss's last job was running AT,maybe she still acts as a consultant for them !
  4. 1 point
    We've been ticking over really nicely, still on course for 1 sale a day which hasn't happened for a good few months. My most pleasing was a FB sale, £25 sponsored post for 2 Zafiras I took in stock last week, I included the finance repayments in the ad and dealt one of them on finance yesterday from a FB direct message. Really made me happy that did.