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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I know Manheim used to take up to £9000 in cash, I thought it was £10k under money laundering regs but I'm sure google will confirm. I took £5000 in cash for a 1 series yesterday as it was "easier" for them, not for us though as it then has to be taken kept on site and then taken to the bank when they bother to open Someone with £25k in cash is either a self-employed person that HMRC have never heard of or a drug dealer IMO!
  2. 1 point
    Money Laundering Issues Do not do it !! All as per Mat C ! Tell him to bank it then transfer to you , otherwise walk away , its gonna come back to bite you.
  3. 1 point
    I think you'll be in breach of money laundering regs.... From working in PLC land for the last 18 years, max we could take was £5k - I think the legal limit is €15,000 before you are legally obliged to inform the police, due to money laundering regulations and the FCA are all over this. Unless you are registered as a high value dealer with HMRC. I guess there are some regular people out there that have £££ stashed, however its best to get it checked out... I'd be VERY careful - I think the rules are still the same if your customer pays cash directly into your bank, to be honest, the bank would question this I am sure, mine does for anything over £5k, I get asked all sorts. Lawgistics are the place to check to be fair or HMRC website
  4. 1 point
    removed incorrect suggestion posted.
  5. 1 point
    We get a fair few enquiries...usually from people the other end of the country. That said, once in a while they do actually turn up and buy...a polite reply email costs nothing and occasionally will turn into a sale.
  6. 1 point
    You really don't want to see my last A/T bill
  7. 1 point
    Don't you just love it when people blatantly waste your time!! Just had a couple looking at my Tigra, because it was the closest to them. Had no intention of buying it, but was happy to sit in it, put their muddy feet in it and allow me to demonstrate the roof to them etc..... Customer: Hmmm, quite interested in one of these... Me: Oh, so not this one then Customer: No it's over my budget (Me thinking so why are you here then! This is when it becomes clear!) Me: Ok, what's your budget? Customer: About £3500 Me: Ok so if i could do it for £3500 as a one off deal, would you be interested? Customer: No, it's the wrong colour, if It was that colour yes, and points to a yellow Lotus Elise.... To which point I suggested he was wasting my time, he agreed and admitted that he only came to look at mine as I was the closest. Really bugs the shit out of me.... Thanks mate, I'll do a full demonstration so you can now go and buy one privately!!! C*NT!!!