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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Saturday 9.30am-Sunday 12.15pm.......EIGHT SOLD!
  2. 1 point
    Absolute joke they are nowadays!We do the same as you!
  3. 1 point
    Fair play, you now have the joy of getting them ready on time. Good luck
  4. 1 point
    Get your bucket and spade Umesh!! £2595. Which, if we are being generous gives a gross margin of £295. If we are being realistic, it's got £200 in it. Unbelievable Jeff.
  5. 1 point
    Thats a tricky one as we dont know what level his indemnity fee's are at.................but i will have a pop at £2999 but can i donate the price to charity
  6. 1 point
    £2699 ! Fancy a trip to Rhyl - Not been for years
  7. 1 point
    July 8th 1998 Started at Citroen in Nottingham as a trainee sales exec on £4k a year basic + a 10 year old £100 Metro as a Company car 18 Years Later ( TO THE DAY! ) I have worked for Bristol Street / Pendragon / Inchcape / Pendragon ( Thought i'd have learnt from the first time! ) / Vertu / Inchcape / Myself :-) I've been around the world for free, driven supercars, stayed at the Shard, had £100k company cars, earnt a fortune, lost a fortune andI now earn less and have a £400 15 year old Audi to kick about in! but I can honestly say I have never been happier. I lost my GM job at Lexus in Sept Last year and thought about a change - 2 days after watching Jeremy Kyle and sitting in my PJ's I gave up thinking about a change - Sank my life savings - Girlfriends life savings - Borrowed - Begged and here I am now 10 months later in my little unit, Vat reg'd, Ltd company, stocking 15 cars, selling 12/13 a month and loving every minute. I want to run before I can walk and get frustrated at times, but I wouldn't change a thing other than I wish i'd left PLC world 10 years ago, however I learned how to do the job properly and look after people. I love my job. I meet so many different people, I get the buzz out of doing a deal ( high 5'ing myself ) I sit here with my little dog Malcolm and its great. My kids come on a Saturday and help wash the cars, they love it. I have never felt so free in my life. This forum really helps and its great to see so many people actually wanting to help each other - there's nothing better than free advice! This time next year................ :-)
  8. 1 point
    Retail it! Is it auto? In great nick and low mileage it has to be worth a grand surely?
  9. 1 point
    Close brothers are nice and straight forward to deal with. A lot of time for them. Evolution Funding are good broker with a cracking online prop system. Really good set up for sub prime and negative equity deals. Some of the PCP rates they can do are superb also. Recently set up with and have used Santander - good for the top notch credit rating customers who are rate savvy. Nice opportunity for commission with Santander I would say also. Well known brand to so good to have on the website or advertising aswell I think, not that I have done this yet.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    If you want a small DMS, Gemini might be worth a look
  12. 1 point
    I used to use Dragon2000 until they put their monthly subscription up a huge amount which no longer made it feasible for me to continue using. I have now been using 'Motor Trade Assistant' since the middle of last year which I find to be very good and much better value than Dragon2000. The other advantage is that it has a Cash Book built in as well which makes VAT returns etc much easier. Dragon2000 would output to Sage, but I never really got on with Sage so found myself running a manual cashbook in Excel. You can download a free trial version here and have a play with it: http://www.motortradersassistant.co.uk/downloads.aspx They are very helpful with regard to support etc as well. The interface is a bit clunky and looks a bit dated compared to other on the market, but it's much cheaper! Hope this helps!
  13. 1 point
    Dragon2000 advertise in Car Dealer and have won see real Car Dealer Power awards, voted for by other dealers. Maybe worth a chat.
  14. 1 point
    Think I should do the driving. I've been taught by the best...
  15. 1 point
    Gavin I use Motors and have stuck with them through lean times as they built up to compete against AT, we are now at a point where e bay, motors.co.uk, AA Cars and exchange and mart combined are giving us as many sales as AT were for less than a third of the price, I hope more dealers keep supporting these other sites and help them build on their success, they are actually nice people to deal with which is a refreshing change from the arrogance that AT has towards the trade. The job is tough at the minute even for people advertising on AT so immediate results are not going to be obvious but I look forward to the future with serious competition for Auto Trader.
  16. 1 point
    Out of a sample of 20 deals done this month, a quarter have come from Motors, with the rest being a combination of (mostly) Autotrader and the rest eBay!
  17. 1 point
    Just to let people know, ive signed up with Motors and plan to run both AT and Motors together for a few months to back to back test them
  18. 1 point
    Keep up the good work its certainly picking up pace now on Motors. Did a couple last week and I only hold 12 ish cars.
  19. 1 point
    Hi guys, I did put a thread on here recently about this subject, I too was worried about dropping AT after 12 years. Guess what.....we are doing better than ever since we cancelled! we went with motors.co.uk and we get a fair few leads & sales. Its a fraction of the cost and its nice not to have some money grabbing machine attitude person always on your back telling you how good they are and making promises of help, telling you how dear you are(although selling proper, low mileage cars) compared with all the others as an average, many selling their cat C & D vehicles. They can tell me i'm dear but i'm not allowed to tell them!!! Many other dealers have finally got the hump with them now and are finally pulling the plug! Final straw for me was the 'Direct Debit Dirty Trick'! A quick way of having us over and expecting us to be daft enough to sit back and take it! I have been recording down where all our leads come from for some time and its surprising how ebay motors pro has picked up aswell, great value and does return us some good sales. I am so glad I have cancelled my largest overhead that was not producing us what you would expect for the cost. We have 40 cars in stock and things are ticking along nicely now. I urge anyone advertising on AT to do yourself a log sheet and monitor it and you may be surprised like we were how well it DOESNT work!
  20. 1 point
    Comments on this thread are certainly making me think twice about AutoTrader but I think Id have to see some facts before cancelling.. Like Ken, we are on AT & eBay, with the addition of AACars (VCars). Most of our leads are AutoTrader generated but I'm selling at least one a week from AACars which is paying for itself. Ive got to admit that the Motors rep might be getting a call from us soon and we've also had Sun Motors knocking our door this week with a very tempting deal which Im looking into..
  21. 1 point
    I took Uncle Jim's advice and put in my cancellation in 11 weeks ago and joined motors at the same time. As they do, AT came back to me with 'a special price to you Mr Mark' for two months which I accepted and when that runs out next week it will be goodnight vienna as far as AT is concerned. Have been impressed with the leads that MOTORS has produced as well as becoming a gold member of carsitenetwork, all for under £300 a month for 30 cars. I've also kept an eye on one or two others who have made the switch and if their adverts are honest they look to be doing the business without them. Of course AT is still the number one and a very good product, but personally on a main road pitch with a bit of a niche market I can no longer justify their fees and feel a whole lot better now that my number one monthly overhead is going. I'm amazed their fees for 2015 are going up again and hope this is the straw that breaks the camel's back for some because let's be honest, they are not a nice company.
  22. 1 point
    Guy's we have been away from AutoTrader since Nov 2012 and look we are still here, not only surviving but thriving :-) So there is life after AutoTrader, all the technology convinces you that you cannot do without them but guess what , THEY can't do without us! Motors.co.uk have adjusted their prices since we started with them however I feel that you can have a wider spread of advertising across a wider medium and selection of classified sites, save money on your advertising bill and still sell cars more importantly! All you have to do , is do the sums! Customers don't just look at your cars on the website they look at loads of different sites before selecting your car so what makes you think they only look on AutoTrader???? Make the move ...."it only works" Jim