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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Think I've suggested this before but can't remember .. must be the grey matter ! Its not always easy to know who's who but let me pick on one person David Bilsborough as an example ( Hope you don't mind David ) David comments on a thread , if I want to know more about him I click on his name but it doesn't tell me anything more about him ? Website , location , tel No , email , twitter etc etc Would it not be useful if next to the name it showed this ? Umesh Samani www.autochange.co.uk Umesh@autochange.co.uk 01782 822 700 @specialistcars1 If all the details were shown then if David posted a comment I thought , you know what I'd like to have a personal conversation because it was interesting but more private than a forum , you simply pick the phone up or email at a click ? I FULLY understand some people need to keep their identity secret but .. just an idea ? thoughts ?
  2. 1 point
    Welcome on board ! to know more you'd have to put web address - with that it shows Tel No & possibly email ..so might as well post full details ! I Think it builds trust and get to know who's who / type of business / location etc and it could be that you have a car that I have a customer for or other way and at least if we know about each other without having to do a google 'research' its makes ir easy for us all ! Only my thoughts
  3. 1 point
    Work this one out then... Fella wanted to look at a 7 seater Scenic full history nice car yesterday after hours , arranged all by text messages , so what could of been sorted with a 2 minute phone call took half the day via text, asked if he would be leaving a deposit if he liked it, yes he would he says So I told the Mrs I'd be home late , he turns up ... he needs a 7 or 6 seater cause he's got 4 kids, drives it likes it but says its £600 dearer than a five seater he's seen ..yes five seater thats not a typo ,and it's got no history ! but you wanted a seven seater , where's one of the kids going mate on the roof... Yeh but it's cheaper .... oh lord give me strength !
  4. 1 point
    Great idea but this is a forum after all. Whilst some are straight about who we are and what we do, it's not unknown for forums to attract a certain type who like to twist the truth shall we say. How much it happens on here I don't know as it's a fairly small group of people, not that I care who writes what!!! It's just part and parcel of the internet
  5. 1 point
    umesh I think your absolutely right that would be a great idea. for example loads of people replied to my thread I set up but I didn't know who was who and It was hard to have a personal conversation with them and also if you have every ones details I think it's more easier to meet up at expos etc i think your idea is great and it would help us.
  6. 1 point
    Unless it's a cookery book. Or the bible. Or a colouring book called 'Colouring Book' maybe? Anyway, another rule of the Motor Trade: Knobs buy cars.
  7. 1 point
    are you offering to drive to newcastle then taking a week finding your way back to essex?
  8. 1 point
    Probably best just to self warrant. Put £100 from each sale into a separate account and do not touch it for anything other than "warranty" repairs. Remember whatever insurance based warranty you put on the car the customer can still bring the car back to you when the warranty company more than likely does not pay out !