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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/16 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    Hi guys must i first say who ever took time out on my previous thread and called replied etc and took time out from there busy schedule i appreciate it so much thanks means the world. well cdx16 is round the corner and im so excited what hotel is everyone staying at. Just wondering in the evening we can all meet up over some beers have a chat and moan about life. all comments wil be kindly appreciated kind regards danny
  3. 1 point
    Jim , start up or 'old boys/girls' sometimes its good to talk to each other and surprising what comes out of it ! And in reality I think most of us are shy of asking for help or embarrassed to ask - when in reality people do genuinely want to help ! .. as they say ' Just Ask ' ! Well done for posting it on here too - opens it up to others not on TCD.
  4. 1 point
    Why thank you very much Mr Baggott, just to show there is a need for this type of FREE service in our industry I have taken calls & emails from 6 business's. We offered some very successful mentoring on our trade only forum (are we allowed to mention it? Twitter Car Dealers) where a group of like minded trade guys helped others, but thought I would give it a shout out here as there seem to many more new starts etc on here to help. Maybe something could be set up in association with your good selves? Jim
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    If I may add a couple of bobsworth... I struggled to understand the point of the article when I first read it (other than a bit of free PR for carsnip. And well done to them for that). So, Dealers are missing out on £14billion worth of sales through their websites.... Only they aren't, are they? Because those surveyed did actually buy vehicles. So the sales weren't 'lost'. So how do you work that out? And who buys through a website anyway? Generally, they buy from us. On-site. Face to face. Oh, nearly forgot... And customers lie. So, like other items I just heard on the news today - bit of a non-story, really innit?
  8. 1 point
    Keep battling on and try not to beat yourself up to much......everyone I speak to.....dealers, finance reps, warranty rep etc are saying its dead. I have 2 large car supermarkets near me and one did 1 at the weekend and the other 3 - the salesman even started prospecting!! We're quite too and it gives me time to tidy up the showroom a bit, changed some tattyish looking spec card holders, re-cleaned a few. re-photo'd them, and changed the adverts a little and we did a couple at the weekend and one yesterday. We are a small 20-25 car indoor unit but try and really push the benefits of buying from us - cherry pick the best stock, every car serviced and MOT'd, 6 month warranty with car, warranty inspected, personally test driven by us to check everything works no squeaks or rattles etc, if you have a issue you come and speak to us and not get passed around departments and managers like in a dealer/supermarket etc etc